Ch. 10 "Understand"

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                                                           Spencer POV 

I hear whispering, 

"Spencer..." I hear 

I groan, 

"Spencer.." I hear again, 

Then all of a sudden I'm being shaken, 

My eyes shoot open, and I gasp awake I'm sitting straight up, I realize I'm still in the lab, I look over too see Tony, 

I blinked a few times, 

"Tony?" I asked 

"Have you been here all night?" He asked 

"Have you?" I said groaning as I stretched my arms above my head, 

"Touché," He said 

He sat down next to me, it was quiet, 

I looked over at him, he was staring, 

"What?" I said 

"How are you doing?" he asked 

I sighed, 

"Tony I'm fine," I said 

"Sure you say it, but your face says differently," He said crossing his arms, 

"I said I'm fine," I whispered 

"In all the years growing up together when have you been able to lie to me," He said 

"None," I said 

"Exactly so tell me what is going on in that thick head of yours," He said 

"It's just do you think it will ever stop?" I asked as I slowly looked at him, 

He was now looking at me concerned, 

"Spence I promise nothing is going to happen to you alright," He said cupping my face, 

"How can you promise something like that? we don't even know where he is," I said 

"Because I have every source looking, scanning if he so much as sneezes I'll find him," Tony said 

"Listen to me he's never going to lay a hand on you again, I know your not saying it but that's what is keeping you up at night," He said 

"Reliving the nightmare every night, I get it, but as long as your here he can't touch you, as long as your here he can't find you," He said 

I nodded, 

He kissed my forehead, 

"Get some rest,"He said and walked out, 

A little bit after he walked out I decided I would make some coffee, I don't intend to relive my nightmare of a life I had with that man, 

My heels clicking on the floor as I entered the kitchen, I grabbed a cup, pouring some coffee, in it, 

"Can't sleep," I hear from behind me which made me jump and spin around, 

"Sorry doll didn't mean to scare you," James said 

I looked at him, 

"It's alright, I'm uh.. just a little jumpy," I said 

He nodded looking at the cup in my hands, 

His face now inches from mine, 

"If you are having trouble sleeping, this isn't the way to go," He said gently taking the cup from my hands, 

"I.. Uh wasn't trying to sleep," I mumbled 

He arched his brow, 

"I mean I don't want to sleep," I said 

He sets the cup on the counter, 

"Any reason why?" He asked 

"I uh.." I hesitated 

It only took now to realize how tall he is compared to me, and I'm in heels, how muscular, 

I blinked a few times, he has me in-between him and the counter, 

"It's alright doll you can trust me," He said 

His bright blue eyes looking as if he was seeing right through me, 

His metal hand gently cupping my cheek like last time, 

"I want to understand doll, please," He said looking as if I was about to disappear 

His thumb rubbing underneath my eye, where the bruise is still fresh, 

"Uh, Understand what?" I asked 

"Why you will not open up too me, to us, we are here to help you," He said 

"I know.." I whispered 

"Then why do I see fear in your eyes," He said 

"Because I am," I whispered 

"I am afraid if.. If I let any of you in, I'll end up.." I said 

"That you'll end up getting hurt again or someone will get hurt," He said 

"How did you-" I began, 

"I've been there myself doll," He said 

"And I'm going to tell you that fear is just an illusion, it's okay to be afraid, but not from getting hurt by those who want to help," He said 

"Do you understand?" He said 

"Yes.." I nodded 

"Come on I'll take you to your room," He said pressing lightly between my shoulder blades 

I nodded with that we walked out of the room, 

Why does he care? I looked at him and his facial expression was hard to tell what he was thinking, 

Does he truly understand? or is he trying to make me feel better? I thought as we walked 

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