Ch. 11 "Stay"

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Spencer POV

It had been a few weeks since I talked to James, a few weeks since we've grown closer, and a few weeks since I've had a decent nights sleep,

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It had been a few weeks since I talked to James, a few weeks since we've grown closer, and a few weeks since I've had a decent nights sleep,

Nightmares from the past plague me, Waking me up in fear, in a cold sweat, And then the emails, and phone calls and texts,

I was constantly looking over my shoulder,

I felt so paranoid, like he was watching me,

I was in the lab tying away on the computer, that's when it happened,

"Spencer.." I hear

I looked up and I didn't see anything, So I went back to typing,

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you bitch!" I felt someone grab me,

I gasped as I was pressed against the wall,

"You think this is over! it's not! you think your big brother and his friends can keep you away from me!? think again, they are going to be ended and I'm going to make you watch!" He said his face inches from mine,

I was shaking he was grabbing my biceps

"Spencer?" Bruce said walking in,

And just like that he was gone,

"You alright?" He asked

"Y-yeah fine," I said

I quickly walked out of the lab like it was on fire, I needed to get out of here, I need to leave, I took the Elevator to the pent house passing Pepper,

"Spencer?" She asked but I didn't say anything,

Tony isn't here today he's on a mission with Nat, Clint and Steve,

I grabbed a duffel bag from the closet stuffing clothes in it, and all the necessities in it,

My breathing shallow, my chest rising and falling at a rapid pace,

"You seem on the verge of a panic attack Miss Stark shall I get you assistance?" FRIDAY said

"I- No," I said not really finding the right words,

"I would listen to her if I were you?" I hear

I spin around,

And see James standing in the door way leaning against the door frame,

"What are you doing here?" I asked

He smirked walking towards me,

"Doesn't matter, what really matters is where do you think your going?" He said crossing his arms, he was now towering over me,

"James I can't stay here," I said

"I thought we talked about this doll," He said looking down at me,

"James me being here isn't good for anybody, he-" I began,

"Look I know your scared doll but believe me running from your problems won't make things better," He said tucking some of my hair behind my ear with his metal hand,

"I just don't want anyone getting hurt," I whispered

"Doll we've faced worse than him believe me," He said

I hesitated,

"Trust me he's not going to hurt any of us doll I promise," He said

"How can you promise that?" I said

"Because I'm noting to make sure it doesn't happen alright," He said,

James cupped my face,

"Just trust me alright, I'm not going to let him touch you again," He said

"It's not that I don't trust you it's just-" I began,

"I know," He said

He was looking at me with those blue eyes, with a look I'm not too familiar with,

"It will be okay, I promise," He said

I nodded,

"Mr. Barnes, Mr. Stark requires your assistance," FRIDAY said interrupting us,

"Okay I'll be there," He said

I followed after him,

He turned around,

"I need you to stay here," He said

"What?" I said

"Spencer if he got him, I don't want him knowing where you are, so please stay here," He said

I nodded,

"I'll come get you when I'm done," He said kissing my forehead,

He walked out of the room,

I stood there in shock,

I touched where he kissed me,

What was that about? I thought

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