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a r i a n a

the sun is my favourite part of being home. it's warm a lot of the time more than it is cold. although the time i had spent in australia was summer weather, it was nice getting back to my roots. being home with my family, my old friends, it really was lovely.

i never wanted to leave here, even after my dad had passed, leaving home was never a thought that crossed my mind in the slightest. i never understood why we had to leave and why it was so sudden. it was like i had a time put on how long i could mourn for before packing up and leaving. it was almost as though i was being forced to run away, quite frankly everything always seemed to feel that way.


i hated the thought of being forced to do things. i liked having hold of my own decisions, i was responsible enough to, in my own opinion at the very least. was there really any bad in that though? i mean, i know i've made my fair share of mistakes, that's what makes us human. i may not be the most socially acquitted person, but i do believe that everyone is worth giving a chance.

"ariana, hurry up, giuliano's going to drink the whole bottle of wine before we even get there."

being home was nice, it brought me a sense of comfort. i was with people i loved, and they loved me just as much. i felt safe, safer than i did in sydney, and that speaks for itself as to why.

milena was by best friend, she still is, after all we've known each other since kindergarten. when i told her i was coming home, she was beyond ecstatic, going out of her way to make sure i was able to relax and live my happiest life when i returned. currently, we were heading down to the pier by the beach where there was another party going on, nothing no one wasn't used to. would there be certain people i wanted to avoid, sure, but i didn't let that phase me. nothing could be worse than the hell i went through in the weeks before.

"okay, i'm ready." i smiled. "are giu and cristiano outside."

"mhm." milena hummed. "someone's particularly excited for you to be home."

"whatever." i rolled my eyes. "i don't do games, lena. can we just go?"

"get your shoes on, i'll meet you outside." she sighed and walked out the door.

i grabbed my shoes and my purse, heckling over my appearance in the mirror before walking out the door.

giuliano is milena's twin brother, cristiano being his best friend. we all grew up together, hence why we're all so close-knit. according to milena, cristiano is helplessly in love with me, but i just don't see it. regardless, we all planned to head down to the pier together, milena and i on one vespa, cristiano and giu on another.

"there she is." i heard cristiano say, myself turning to smile at him. "ready to go?"



"who the hell is this guy?"


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