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a r i a n a

"we've been sitting here for hours." calum whines.

"you also spent one of those hours playing video games with luke downstairs." i reminded him. "i'm lucky i got you away from the couch."

"i'm lucky i'm understanding any of this crap." he sighs. "why the fuck do we need to know trigonometry?"

"don't know, why don't you ask someone who does?"

"you know everything, can't you tell me?" calum smiled foolishly.

"you're funny." i smiled. "as long as you finish that sheet, you're done for the weekend."

"can i put music on then, please?"

"go for it."

"then we're going for a drive."


i wasn't really sure what i was doing. i knew better than to be spending my spare time with calum willingly. but it's not like anyone would know, right? it's just a drive.

"do you like ice cream?"

"i like real gelato, not that stuff they sell at mcdonald's." i reply.

"mcflurry's from maccas are great." calum huffs.

"clearly you haven't had gelato in italy."

"no, no i have not."

"one day i'll take you." i blurt out before my mind can even process what i'm saying.

"i'll keep that in mind." he smiles, pulling into the parking lot of a small ice cream parlour. "this is the best we've got around here, take it or leave it."


calum took me inside, looking through the glass at all of the ice cream flavours in front of us. he placed his order and i placed mine. the ice cream wasn't that bad, it was completely fine, but nothing can ever compare to home.

"i love ice cream."

"i can tell." i smile.

"you have a nice smile." calum says. "you don't smile much, or talk much, why's that?"

okay nancy drew.

"social anxiety, and i do smile." i say.

"not like that." he says. "...you've got something over here, lean in."

i lean towards calum, allowing him to wipe the underneath of my lip with his thumb.

"there." he says, looking at me.

the way he looks at me takes me back to the party. the same distance between us, the same look in his eyes, it's identical. and the way he leans in to kiss me now is no different than before.


happy holidays everyone, see you in the new year <3

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