June 20 (pt2)

18 1 0

"So! How did you go?" Tony asked while Bucky and I set the bags on the island in the kitchen.

"Fine." He said pulling out a few things.

"Theia, how was a bonding experience?" Tony poked the side with the bruise on it but by accident.

"Ow!" I grabbed his finger.

"That's the side with the bruise, Tony." Bucky looked at him.

"Right, sorry. But how did you like it." He laughed.

"It was fine." I grabbed the empty bag from Bucky, crumpled it up and threw it at Tony.

"What's for dinner, Mr. Stark?" Peter came walking in.

"No clue." He looked at me and Bucky.

"Um spaghetti and meatballs, Bucky said he would teach me how to make them because is sounded the most unappealing." I grabbed a banana and peeled it for a little snack.

"Ok, let us know when it's ready." Tony walked away with Peter.

"Can you grab the beef from that bag." Bucky pointed at a bag in front of me. I reached in and grabbed a pack of what I thought was beef.

"Catch!" I threw it at him and just barely caught it.

"Don't do that." He set down the pack and grabbed a knife.

"Or what, James." I snickered.

He held the knife to my throat and moved his face close to mine. "Don't throw things at me and don't call me James." His face was inches away he searched my eyes, I bit my bottom lip and he noticed then backed away and opened the pack of beef.

I smiled to my self. "Grab a pot." He pointed to the drawer that held pots.

"I can't I'm eating." I took a bite of the banana I smiled to piss him off.

"Just grab one." He grabbed the banana from my hands opened the garbage can and threw it away.

A bit later the beef was mixed up and put in the oven there was water boiling on the stove top, Bucky opened a pack of spaghetti and put it in the water then sat beside me on a stool.

"Now we wait." He said.

"Well that was a waist of time." I was tapping my fingers on the counter.

Bucky looked at my hand then grabbed it with his. "Stop doing that, it's irritating." He didn't let go of my hand.

"Fine." I said and he let go.

Once dinner was ready and set up I went to go tell everyone.

"It's ready!" I stood in front of everyone and they all stood up and walked to the kitchen.
Pietro was already sitting at the table eating when we got there, he must have ran.

We all ate dinner and when we finished up we sat in the living area.

"That was great you guys should cook more often." Steve said, both me and Bucky rolled our eyes.

"No, I refuse to spend another minute alone with him." I gave him a straight face.

"Yeah, i would rather not." Bucky did the same.

"Who wants a drink?!" Tony came waltzing in with a bunch of drinks in his hands.
Everyone but Peter got a drink.

I finished mine and a few hours later said good night to everyone, I went to my room and fell asleep.

Theia's Desired RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora