December 1

11 1 2

The sun was bright in my eyes, Matt has the curtains on the widows open and the sun was shining in. I sat up and stood up. I was in quite a lot of pain, I slowly walked out of the room and to where my phone was, I powered it back on. One missed call from Steve, one missed call from Matt. I thought it was weird that Matt called me so I called him. It rang through then went to voicemail mail, I hung up and tried again he answered. "Matt, are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm sending you my location." He hung up and then his location was sent along with a message. "Get here asap."

He was freaking me out so I put on my clothes and left my other stuff at his house. I went outside then flew up and went to the location, I went down onto the roof. I walked quietly over to the edge and looked down, there where three guys knocked out on the ground. I jumped down and grabbed one of their guns. Then checked all their pulses, they where all about the same, very low though. I opened the door a crack and looked in, about fifteen men on the ground, I didn't hear anything so I went in with the gun ready to shoot. I needed to know where to go, I pulled my phone out and texted Matt. "I'm here, where are you?" I heard a ding and there was a little light. I walked over to the ground where it was, Matt's phone. I picked it up and put it in my pocket then looked around.

Right above me what a railing and I assumed Matt dropped his phone off of it. I jumped and grabbed the railing quietly pulling myself up, I stopped, there was a guy who had just turned around and was walking the opposite direction from me. I didn't want to make any noise so I just stepped by into a hall and slowly made my way down, I stopped in the hall because there was another hall that went to my right and left. Two guys coming from the right, I could hear two sets of feet walking, that's how I knew. Once I could grab one I did, I had him in a head lock and I put the gun up to the other guys head.

"Drop your weapons, both of you, and quietly." I whispered. The guy I had in a head lock just dropped his but it wasn't super loud, the other guy crouched down and set his gun down. "And the knife." I pushed the gun at his head. He took the knife out of his sleeve and set it on the ground, I squeezed on the guys neck until he passed out then I set him down. "Where is he?" I pushed my forearm on his neck pining him to the wall.

"Listen lady, I don't know who think you are."

I hit his head with the bottom of the gun causing him to bleed. "Where is he?"

"I don't know who you're talking about?" His breath smelt disgusting.

"Think harder!" I raised my voice a little. The guy had an ear piece in, I took it out and put it in mine.

"That hostage put up quite a fight." Someone said.

"Yeah, crazy." Another said.

"You're going to ask them where the hostage is." I put the ear piece closer to him. "You say anything else and I shoot." I pressed the button on the ear piece.

"Where's the hostage?" He asked and I put it back in my ear.

"In the basement with me why?" One of them asked.

I didn't answer.

"Hey!" The guy that was down the hall shouted at me.

I grabbed the guy that was with me and moved him in front of me. I used him as a shield then I tossed the guy over to my side and shot the other guy in shoulder and went over to him. I took the bullets in his gun then ran off. The people in the ear piece where talking about the shots.

"Sounded like it was right above me, I'll look."

"Fucking idiot." I mumbled and ran down a the hall and open a door that led to a stairwell, I didn't know where it would take me I just hoped it would get me to the basement. Someone was coming up, I looked down the middle of the stairs and the person looked up at me then shot. He missed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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