October First

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⚠️SMUT AHEAD⚠️ read if you want :)

"Hey, I got you a big ass bin of Halloween candy for this month." Nat said chewing on chocolate while walking in to my room.

"Sweet, I'll come down and grab it in a minute." I grabbed a smoke out of my drawer and walked over to my window opening it and then was trying to find my lighter.

"Looking for this?" I turned and Nat was holding my lighter.

"Yes, thank you." I walked over to grab it but she moved her hand. I rolled my eyes knowing she wasn't going to give it back and went back to my drawer and grabbed a different lighter.

She huffed. "That shits bad for you, lung cancer." She said putting the lighter down.

"I won't get lung cancer or any form of cancer." I lit the cigarette and sat on the window sill.

"Steve and I have to go on a trip." Nat slowly walked over.

I looked up confused. "Where? Why?" I took a puff.

"Steve didn't want me to tell you where, it's a Barton situation." She grabbed the cigarette and took a long haul.

"Why can't I know? I wanna see him." I stood up and grabbed it back.

"That's why you can't know, we know you'll come after us to see him. Steve doesn't want that, he said it would be good for you to stay here with Yelena." She gave me an irritated look like she doesn't want to argue about it.

"What? I have to stay here and babysit her while you guys have all the fun with Clint?" I finished the cigarette and dropped it on the floor then crushed it with my foot.

"Theia, please...just stay here and out of trouble, we're going tonight." She looked at the floor. "And pick that up, it's gross." She turned and walked out of my room then Steve walked in immediately after.

"Oh lord." I rolled my eye and sat down.

"We don't even know if we will see Clint, we're actually hoping that the stuff that happened wasn't from him and we don't see him." He reached out his hand. "Come downstairs please, it's been a while since you've been down."

I grabbed his hand. "I need to put on a bra first."

"Everyone but Yelena has seen your boobs I'm sure it's fine." He made a face like he wasn't supposed to say that.

"What?! When have you seen my boobs!" I asked.

"Ok, I was told not to tell you but you know that one time when all us guys went out and you guys where texting and you sent him that photo. Sam and I where standing literally right beside him and we all saw, don't worry I covered Sams eyes and mine but we saw." He scratched his head.

"Are you shitting me?! What the fuck, ok let's go down then." We walked out of my room and went downstairs.

Nat and Yelena where talking and Yelena didn't look amused so I assume Nat just told her the same thing she told me.

"Lady's." Steve waved at them.

"Do you guys have to go tonight can't you wait till the morning." I said.

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