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Back at home,
Hakyeon was packing their bags while Taekwoon was crying in the bathroom, tears rolled down his cheeks, leaving tracks on their way.
   Taekwoon was trying to calm down, but Hakyeon's words rang in his mind like a bell.
He took a deep breath and let it out, he proceeded to repeat this step until his breathing was calm again, he gets up from the bathroom floor and walks to the sink, taking in his red eyes and red nose, he splashed water in his face so Hakyeon wouldn't see him cry.
He put on a fake smile, and goes out of the bathroom to his husband.
He grabs his bags which was only one and he headed to Hakyeon's car.
Taekwoon got in the passenger side, got buckled up and laid his head against the window.
Hakyeon proceeded to bring out his suitcase. He carries it to the car and puts it in the back seat.
He sees that Taekwoon is fast asleep in the car, he sees tears trail down his cheeks.
Hakyeon shuts the back door and gets into the driver's side, and he looks at his husband. "...."
He starts up the car and starts to drive to their honeymoon, He plays music on his radio and listens to it, he keeps his focus on driving while doing so.
Taekwoon puts on his headphones and listens to music he likes, he smiles softly listening to his best friend singing.

A few hours later:

Hakyeon parks the car and gets out, he opens the back seat door and gets out his suitcase. He wakes up Taekwoon, his small husband stretches and gets out of the car.
He grabs his things and heads inside, he sits down in a seat still listening to his music.
Hakyeon shuts off the radio and he locks his car and heads inside the honeymoon place.
He looks around and find a pretty lady.
Taekwoon walks past Hakyeon, he goes to the front desk and asks for the key card.
The man gives him the key card as Taekwoon explains who he is.
"Thankyou." Taekwoon heads up to their room.
Hakyeon stops looking at the woman and heads up stairs with his husband, once they make it to their room, Taek goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower.
Hakyeon realizes he didn't use the bathroom before they got there.
"Taek. I have to use the bathroom."
Taekwoon peeks out of the without his shirt on. "Too bad. I'm taking a shower." He shuts the door, finishes getting undressed and steps into the shower. He turns on the hottish water and states to take a relaxing shower.
Hakyeon groans. "I need the bathroom! Taekwoon!"

"iiiiiii doooooooooon't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare!" Taek sing replies.

Hakyeon sighs and goes inside the bathroom anyways, luckily Taekwoon has the curtain closed and he's singing to himself.
Hakyeon looks at the shower and then at the toilet.
He gets a devious idea.
He flushes the toilet and rushes out of the bathroom.
seconds later the water turns steaming hot.
Taek gets out of the shower, and starts to cry because of the hot water burning him.
Hakyeon goes to the door, he opens the door and sees Taekwoon on the floor, towel around him, tears streaming down his face.
He quietly checks the water.
His eyes go wide. Since when does flushing a toilet cause the water to turn steaming hot??
   Hakyeon checks Leo's skin, he sees it looks painful and he sighs, he picks up his towel wrapped husband and carries him to the bed, he sets him down and gets the burn cream from his bag, he squeezes out some cream onto his left hand and carefully puts it on him, careful to not cause further pain to Taekwoonie.

A few hours later.

Taekwoon is watching am out door movie with some other honeymooners when he notices his husband isn't sitting next to him.
Hakyeon was too busy talking to a pretty lady, when she started escalated things and he starts to feel uncomfortable.
Taek walks over to his husband. "Love? There you are, I've been looking for you."
The woman is the same one from earlier.
Hakyeon for once holds Taekwoon's hand and follows him away from the woman.
Hakyeon goes to thank Taekwoon when he gets cut off.
"I've been in a loveless marriage before so I'm f---ing used to it."

Hakyeon looks at Taekwoon with wide eyes, he thinks back to what he said before at their wedding.
"Let get some things straight. Okay."

He remembers Taekwoon nodding.

I don't love you. I don't like you. I'm being forced to do this and I'm not happy about it."

He remembers Taekwoon's bottom lip quiver..

He remembers looking into Taekwoon's eyes and saying

I don't love you and I never will.

Hakyeon remembers Taek running out of the room, in tears, after his harsh words.
Hakyeon snapped out the memory, bur before he could say anything, Taekwoon was already out of sight and in their suite.
while Hakyeon stood nearby the our door movie in silence.

I don't love him.
I don't.
I'm not gonna sugar coat it.

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