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2 years later

Hakyeon saw Hongbin while he was out in town before he headed home, and Hongbin told him all about him and Wonshik's private wedding, for just family. Hakyeon listened as Hongbin told him how beautiful it was and the calming atmosphere, he showed his beautiful but simple wedding ring to Hakyeon,
After awhile Hongbin waved bye and went back inside the house, because hyuk was calling for his eomma.

Hakyeon got back home from town and he finds his hubby fast asleep on the floor,
He chuckles, he picks up his squishy Taekwoon and take him to their room, gently lays him down on the bed, and
He lays next to him, smiling at his beautiful husband.
Taekwoon wakes up and smiles at Hakyeon. "Hi"

Hakyeon plants a kiss on his cheek.

Taekwoon snuggles against him.
"I love you."

Hakyeon snuggles him. "I love you too Taekwoonie, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize it."

"You'll be forgiven. If."


"If you stop rubbing my tummy."

"But it's so soooft.…" Hakyeon whines.

"I no care, you no touchy."

Hakyeon pouts at Taekwoon.
"Its soft."


"Like a marshmallow"


Hakyeon giggles.

"I look like I'm carrying a baby. I h-te being chubby...."

Hakyeon stops giggling, his eyebrows furrow to worry.

Taekwoon wraps the blanket around him and goes back to bed, facing away from Hakyeon.

Hakyeon lowers his eyes and looks at the ceiling.
I really hope there's nothing wrong with my Taekwoonie...

A few days later.

Taekwoon is in alot of pain, his stomach hurts so bad, tears roll down his cheeks.

Hakyeon races into the room and rushes around getting overnight stuff for his husband.

Please be okay love...

Hakyeon picks up his fragile husband and carries him to the car.
He gets in and races to the hospital.

Please be okay...

He arrives at the ER, parks his car and rushes his hubby inside the building, he hands a nurse his medical information and she tells Hakyeon to sit.

He sits in the waiting room.

He grabs a magazine and starts to read it.


Taekwoon is in so much pain he can't stand it.
The nurses checks for what's the problem, they do an ultra sound and find his appendix needs to be removed.
They prep him for surgery and give him an anesthetic so he'll be out, so they can do the surgery.
They takes him to the surgery room and tell the doctor why he's there.

The doctor shushes the nurses and orders them to get him the different tools he'll need.

The nurses rush around grabbing the different surgical tools he'll need.

The Second husband of HakyeonWhere stories live. Discover now