Chapter 1

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2 months later…

I woke up with the feeling of puking and ran to the bathroom; getting there just in time. I never used to throw up; actually this was my first time since I was like six. Ten years ago. I guess it must have been the chinese food Haley and I ate last night. I washed my mouth and brushed my teeth twice before the taste of puke was out of my mouth.

I took a quick shower before I dressed for school and went down to the kitchen. “Good morning,” I said to mom and Alex, my brother. I guessed dad was at work already. He was a lawyer and had a big case going on, something about a murder I think. My mom owns a clothing shop downtown.

“You look pale Am, are you alright?” Alex asked me. Alex and I were really close; we told each other almost everything and could always see when something was wrong.

“We heard you get sick up there,” mom filled in with worry in her face.

“Yeah, it’s probably the chinese food I ate last night,” I said with a faked smile. I wasn’t really okay because I still felt a bit nauseous.

“You should probably stay home just in case,” mom said still a little worried.

“No, I have a big test today that I have studied really hard on,” I said still with a faked smile. Suddenly my stomach let out a big roar, I was starving. I rubbed my hand against it and felt that it was a bit hard, just like last week. Weird.


“Hey man,” I heard someone say out loud behind me. I had just parked my car and locked it. I double checked that it was locked, someone might steal it. I mean who wouldn’t like to have my car, a red sports car.

“Wazup,” I answered when I saw it was Thomas, my buddy. Not just my buddy, my best buddy. We’ve known each other very long. I can’t remember how long though.

“Not much,” He said while looking around as if he was searching for someone. I noticed that I had been looking at him for a while when he looked back at me disturbed. “What?” he asked in an annoying way. I smiled when I realized that he was looking for her. The girl he just won’t tell me about.

“Just ask her out man,” I said and laughed a little at the end.

“Easy for you to say,” he said as we started walking. I didn’t like the answer, at all. Probably because I didn’t understand it. I gave him a sour look. “Look there’s Hales” he said pointing her out at her locker. He tried to change the subject of the conversation. Sneaky. But he was right, she was over at her locker. With Am.

Amanda's POV

“Look there’s Jake,” Haley almost whispered in my ear. She was shy, especially when Jake was around. I hated that. And I hated him.

“Babe, what you doing now?” Jake asked Haley when She looked embarrassed as her pink cheeks started to become redder.

“I’m going to class, with Am. You?” she said as she leaned back against her locker a little less red.

“We were thinking about skipping,” he answered with a self confidence that every person would kill for. Well everyone except for me.

“We were?” I heard someone say and before I could look at him. He said something else. I couldn’t hear what it was. But I turned around and looked at him anyway. He stood behind me on the right side. Thomas was pretty shy and was nothing like Jake. I didn't even know why they were best friends. Thomas was this innocent boy while Jake on the other hand was a real Bad Boy who slept around behind Haley’s back. I know that because I’ve slept with him. It was about two months ago on a party and we were both very drunk, especially me because I didn’t remember so much of it. I am still ashamed that I did it but Jake on the other hand did it all the time.

I once tried to tell Haley that I slept with him but just told her that I had lost my virginity to some random guy. It was only half a lie, because I had lost my virginity to Jake. I wished that I could go back and undo it. “You can come,” Jake told us and I already knew what my answer was.

“Sure!” Haley said smiling at Jake like he was the love of her life. I’ve got some news to you babe, he doesn’t like you like you like him. Or should I say love him. She’s practically talking about him 24/7. Sometimes Haley just annoyed the shit out of me, but still, it’s not every day you love a guy like Haley loves Jake but I wished it was some-one else that she loved. She deserved better. No, she deserved the best.

“No, we can’t skip. We have a big test Haley,” I told her and saw how her face; begging me to change my mind. And I did, but only because I didn’t want to let her down, and besides, I owe her that. “Fine,” I said with a disappointed voice. It was so much easier for the guys to skip because they were in their senior year while we were practically new in high school and still had time to show what we got. My plan was to get into Princeton and to get in you had to prove that you’ve got what it takes.

“Okay then,” Jake said and laid his arm around Haley’s shoulders and led us to the parking lot.

“So Jake, where are we going?” Thomas said curiously.

“We are going to the beach,” Jake said with a cocky smile.

“But we don’t have any swimsuits,” Haley said with a worried mind. She had never showed herself naked or in underwear to Jake. They hadn’t had sex yet.

“I know,” He said with a bigger and cockier smile than before. I was just about to protest when I realized that it was no idea of ruining the fun for Haley. Even though she didn’t have a swimsuit I knew she would be happy. I mean what’s the different between a bikini and underwear?


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