Chapter 2

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We all hopped in my car and drove to the beach. It was about thirty degrees outside even though it was November, but we lived in Miami, so it was pretty hot the year around. I locked the car, making sure it was locked twice and then went after the others that had already started walking. We came to a nice spot and sat down. It was so damn beautiful here, definitely one of my favorite places. “So Jake, are you going to college?” Haley asked me curiously.

“I don’t know,” I told her. I didn’t know. I guess I was just going to take a year off and get a job. Maybe I wasn’t even going to go to college.

“How about you Thomas? Are you going to college?” Am asked him.

“Yeah, I was thinking of applying to Yale or Princeton. I want to do something with my life, maybe even go to LAW school,” Thomas said back and I saw how he blushed a bit and it was then I realized it. I can’t believe I haven’t seen this before, the way he looked at her. He liked Am. Am was the mysterious girl he always talk about.

“Okay,” she said and gave him a smile.

“You know what, let’s swim!” I said while I was taking my shirt of from me. Thomas did the same and I saw how both Am and Haley first hesitated but then they took off their clothes too. So here we were standing in our underwear and I looked at Am. It’s not like I haven’t seen her naked before but there was something different about here. Her stomach was a little swollen. “Jeez Am, you look pregnant!” I joked.

Amanda's POV

I froze. It felt like all of my blood disappeared from my body. I couldn’t move. I got all cold and pale. I couldn’t be, could I? Now that I think about it, I hadn’t gotten my period last month. How couldn’t I have noticed that?! I had to get out of here. Now! “I have to go,” I said while picking up my clothes and pulled on my t-shirt so I’d at least cover a little of my body.

“It was just a joke Am, you don’t have to go,” Jake said and took my wrist and held it pretty hard.

“I just realized I have something to do,” I lied while pulling off his hand. I started speed walking to the bus stop that was about a kilometer from here. All I could think of now was that two months ago I had unprotected sex, the only sex I’ve had in my life and that it was with my best friend’s boyfriend. It was with Jake.

Jakes POV

“What was wrong with her? It was just a joke!” I said pretty upset. I never actually wanted to hurt her, no she was my girlfriend’s best friend! If I hurt Am I would hurt Haley, not that I really cared about Haley. But a boy’s got to do what a boy’s got do to get Haley to sleep with me. It was the chase that was so damn exciting. “

I don’t know! She just freaked out about your joke, didn’t you see her face? It was like all her blood disappeared from her body!” Haley said to me but she wasn’t angry. She looked like she was hurt. She picked up her stuff too and ran after Am as quick as she could. I looked at Thomas who was looking at me. What just happened? I shrugged my shoulders. We went back to the car and then I remembered that Am was the one Thomas like.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you like Am?” I said to Thomas when he put his seatbelt on.

“How did you know?” Thomas asked quickly. I knew it!

“I saw the way that you looked at her. Dude you’re hooked!” I said to him and started to laugh while he just sat there looking at me like I just killed a bird.

“Shut up.”


“Am, wait up,” I heard Haley shout out behind me. I didn’t. I just wanted to go home. I looked back to see where she was. To close. Now I’d have to tell her. “Amanda, stop. What is going on?” she asked me with a surprised but sad glance.

“I just want to home, I need to go home,” I sad trying to not cry.

“Then we take you home, look the bus is coming right there.” She pointed at it. We had about ten to fifteen meters left before we were at the bus stop. We had to run. And that was exactly what we did. We ran as fast as we could and got there just in time.

“Where to?” asked the bus driver who according to me looked like a model.

“To the center of town,” I said and forced myself to smile. I couldn’t. Not even to a face like that. I took up my credit card and paid. Then I started walking to the part of the bus that wasn’t filled with people. The part where I could tell her everything. I sat down on the right side of the bus almost at the back. Haley put her ass right beside me.

“Am, you don’t live there. You know that right?”

“Well, of course I know that,” I said annoyed about what she just said. She looked at me surprised. “I have to buy a pregnancy test," I said with a shaky voice and looking straight out the window.


“So Thomas, are you going to ask Am out, or what?” I asked him with curiosity. He needed to get laid. And she was perfect for that.

“I don’t know, you think I should?”

“Yeah, you need to get laid and she’s good at it” I said without even thinking. I just told him what we weren’t going to tell anyone. I just told him that I had slept with his dream girl.


“Yeah, I kind of slept with her two months ago, you know at Eric’s party? I thought I had told you about this,” I said looking forward on the road.

“You told me about this chick you banged against some bathroom wal,l” he said trying to get me looking in his eyes. I didn’t, I couldn’t. I felt like the biggest jackass in the whole world. “You know she was a virgin right?” Thomas said angrily. Oh shit, I took her virginity. What the fuck am I supposed to tell him now.

“Look, I’m sorry man. I didn’t know, alright?” I answered back nervously and looked at him if he looked angry.

“Well, I guess I was too much of chicken,” he said with a sad voice. I felt sorry for him.

“Sorry dude."


I walked off the bus with Haley right behind me. I hadn’t said a word to her and she hadn’t said anything to me since I told her I was getting a pregnancy test. We walked into the shop and I took three tests, just to be sure. I bought them and went to McDonald’s. I really didn’t want to do this at home and it was free here so… Haley was still right behind me. I don’t even know why she followed me but it kind of made me feel better that I wasn’t going to do this alone. We went into the handicap toilet, it wasn’t that clean actually it was very dirty and there were no toilet paper but I just wanted this to be over. I was getting ready to pee on my first stick when Haley’s phone rang. “Hi sweetie!” Haley answered before I could tell her to shut it out. “We’re at McDonalds,” she said and looked at me. Can’t she just hang up soon or what? I really needed to do this now. But I couldn’t when she was talking to the guy that was going to be a daddy to my baby, if I was pregnant. “I’ll see you later, bye!” As soon as she had hung up I peed on the stick. I read on the carton that I had to wait a couple of minutes before the answer would come so I peed on another one while I was waiting. Suddenly I heard a beep. I closed my eyes.

“Can you look at it?” I asked Haley with a shaky voice. I heard how she took it up.

“Hey Am, what does plus plus mean?” Then I heard another beep. She grabbed that one too. It was different because on that one it said how long gone I was. “This one says plus and then 10 weeks.” 10 weeks as in two months. I started crying. I just couldn’t hold it back any longer. I don’t think I have cried like this before. She put the cartoons bag in the bag along with the third one that I hadn’t used. “Do you want to look at the tests?” she asked me.

“No, just put them in the bag too,” I said still crying. I got dressed and picked everything up, looked at myself in the mirror. I had swollen eyes, but it didn’t really matter because I just wanted to go home. I flung the door open and started to walk really fast, another one of my mistakes. I walked right into Jake. Everything in my bag fell out. Jake bent down and took up one of the pregnancy test, the test that said how long I had gone. He looked at it for a second and went from his sunburned color to being pale as white. He looked up, right into my eyes and I could see fear. I swallowed hard. He knew, and there was no going back.

Baby on board (previously titled Pregnant by my best friend's boyfriend)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang