Macaque x Ghost/ Spirit reader

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Sense no gender was put I will just do they/them I hope that is ok <:)

Y/n pov

It was dark scary even don't know where I was or how I got there, I turn to my left and see a figure and the pick up something
something, sharp.

That's all I fall asleep to but I don't mind, I was more curious about the town
I would always try to say hi to someone before they scream and run it was a bummer really...

Until I meet this really nice man! He had glasses and was first spooked but then asked soooo many questions!!! My little brain can't take it all... But he took me with him and I meet who I would learn to be Mk: A lil dork who looks up to The Great Sage, Mei: a dragon child who is so sweet/ scary! Pigsy: Who can have a temper but you get used to it! Sandy: A gentle giant really! And of course the one who found me Tang: the free loader!

But enough of that back to now! I was following MK, and Mei around town when we hit a stopping point because of the arcade. "OHMYGOD, A new Monkey Cop game?!?!" MK screamed and jumped "We have to beat it!" Mei said looking at him then turned to me "Uh Y/n, could you take care of the pig-mobile for a bit?" 

"Oh sure! I will be fine you two have fun! OH and tell me how he deals with the the immortals this time!" I said with a smile. They smiled and ran in as I sat their.


with NOTHING to do....

darn it.

tip tap tip

I turn my head towards the sound of running behind me I start to go towards it before remembering the cart

"I am sure it won't be to bad if I just was away for.... I TINY bit!" I say and go to where the sound came from. "hello?" I say and walk into an ally way.

I kept walking until it was the end "Hello?! Man.. I was kinda hoping to see someone." I turn around and start leaving until a figure drops infront of me "EEP!" i step back a bit to see the figure better.

"Well well well, what do we have here? The monkie kid's lil ghost friend!" the.... man? said. 

I look left to right and then point to myself "Me?" I ask and he just looks at me "Wha- yes you! I mean- anyway- ahem-  What's a lil thing like you hanging around him eh?" He said taking a step forward  I then step back "Well I don't really know I just, do!"

"hmm... interesting. Is that really the only reason? Y/n?" He said stepping forward again to which this time I float above him to his surprise. "HEY! How do you know my name? Tell me yours to make it fair!" I said looking at him "Well-" "Also, are you a monkey? You look like one " I said landing behind him 

he turns to me with a slight smirk "Uh yeah? Also uh well my name is Macaque."  he said looking at me. I smile "Oh! That's a pretty name!" I say to him jumping a bit "Thanks." he said kinda spacey sounding.

"Hey are you okay? You sound out of it!" I point out stepping back a bit. He snaps out of it and chuckles "Hehe yeah I am fine I just thought I was gonna have to fight you." He said scratching his neck and I go shocked.

"F-fight me?!? Why?!?" I said kind of panic'd about his words. He saw this and looked at me "Nonnoononono! I am not now I just didn't wanna be seen!I mean how do I even fight a ghost?" He said to me and I calm down

"Hey why are you even a ghost?" He asked me. I shrugged "I don't really know, guess I just died!" I said to him and he laughed. "What?! WHat did I say!?" He laughed harder "HAha Sorry you are just the cutest thing!" he said 

If I could blush I would be a cherry right now "I-I Am NOT cute!" I say sinking into the ground and he laughed and soon I too laughed

Macaque pov:

Why am I talking to them?!??! Why do I WANT to talk to them!? their laugh is amazing but, I wa going to 'teach' MK something.  

We talked for a bit it was nice, really nice. they were nice. 

the moon was out and it just made them glow, like a star, like an angel.

"Y/n?!! Where are you!?" I was interupted by MK screaming and got I up "Well angel I gotta go uh maybe see you later? If you want?" I say while looking at them.  Their eyes glow and they nod 

"Good! Great! Well uh bye!" I say while going into the shadows

Y/n pov

"Y/n there you are!" MK says walking to me "You scared me and Mei! Lets go Pigsy is wait for us!" he said sounding out of breath "Oh okay! Lets go then!" I say walking ahead 

I look behind me and see the moon


such a pretty name.

857 words

Lego Monkie Kid x Reader Oneshots/ ShipshotsWhere stories live. Discover now