Reunion (1)

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Hello! For those who are wondering where all of the chapters went, I've unpublished them all while I edit the story! I'll be slowly republishing the (hopefully improved) chapters as soon as I've finished them. There were many people who were confused, so I probably should have left a small note anyway, apologies for any inconvenience caused!

Also, all of the chapters are still available on ao3, and if you wanted to read ahead, you can always find them there. —

Anyways! Welcome to my story! I'm slowly making my way through these chapters, so please bear with me for the moment :)

Revised 10/07/22

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Wei Wuxian's unrestrained mischievousness was nothing new to the calm and tranquil home called Cloud Recess. After marrying the second young master of the Lan Sect, his abrasiveness only grew, much to their dismay, and his attitude went from being annoying to being an utter abomination (to Lan Qiren's eyes, anyway).

Three-hundred and fifty-two rules had been added to the wall of discipline, Lan Jingyi had counted, ever since Wei Wuxian came back to Cloud Recess. On second thought, three more had been added this very morning!

Lan Jingyi didn't particularly dislike his senior's new, joyous company, and actually revelled in it. Senior Wei, to him, was like a father figure, just how Hanguang-Jun was. You see, Lan Jingyi had joined the Lan sect as a child, just after his parents had passed away. It was then that he met the young, amnesiac Lan Yuan, and the punished, sorrowful Hanguang-Jun. They, (not that he would ever tell them) had become his new family, and with Senior Wei added to the picture, it felt like it was finally complete.

Except, despite the many praises and fond headpats he receives; despite the joking comments of him being their son; despite the love and care he has been given, Lan Jingyi doesn't feel part of their family, no matter how much they continuously tell him that he is.

Today was just another, ordinary, auspicious day. He woke up late, after falling back asleep who-knows-how-many-times, went to feed Hanguang-Jun's rabbits, woke up Wei-Qianbei with the day's breakfast, chatted a bit with his junior disciples, and finally began to practise sword drills. His skill with a sword has increased drastically, hence why he's now referred to as "Jingyi-ge", "Lan-xiong", and sometimes even a few passionate "Lan-Qianbei"s! Although Sizhui was better than him in terms of cultivation, it was only a matter of time before Jingyi would surpass him!

"Here, raise your right arm a little bit, and... there! You've got it! Now try again like that!"

As soon as they completed the move correctly, the junior's eyes lit up and then they turned to Lan Jingyi with a happy "Thank you, Lan-Qianbei!"

Lan Jingyi cooly nodded, briefly flicking his nose with a proud finger, just like Senior Wei had taught him to do when he was being cool. "It was your own hard work that led you to victory. Well done, shidi." Oh, how mature he had become!!

It was then that he heard a familiar call of "Jingyi!" and his walls of maturity crumbled as quick as they were erected. His face pulled into a wide smile as he saw his Wei-Qianbei running towards him!! "Wei-Qianbei! It's you!"

If Lan Jingyi childishly clung to Wei Wuxian's torso, he would vehemently deny it to any shidi who lived to tell the tale.

"So clingy," Wei Wuxian complained, although a smile crept up his face as he spoke. "Right, Jingyi, have you seen Lan Zhan? I've been looking all over for him this morning but no one has apparently seen him."

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