The Florist and the Tattoo Artist

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Here's another Cliché story, I'm really enjoying reading these right now so I thought why not write another

Also I'm going to be rewriting my first few chapters such as the proposal parts 1/2, omega verse, cuddles and so on, I'm only doing this because I've definitely improved my writing, and I don't like how any of them are

This is inspired by another creators one-shot chapter

This is going to be my longest story so I hope you like it

If the time skip transitions do change at any point I wanted to try out a some what of a new writing style

Also I got to lazy to edit any of this so, if any parts are like absolute gob shite then I apologise I just got lazy- I've been working on this for like 3-4 months man-

Anyway enjoy ☺️

Ennoshita POV
I was humming a songs tune as I watered the newly placed plants

I owned a small flower shop, it was quite popular where I was before I decided to move, I didn't move to far away, I just moved into a more rural area of the city. with how busy the inner city was, I didn't really like it, luckily there was an elderly couple that was leasing the bottom part of their house, as it used to be a little café

As I was sorting out some of the flowers I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw one of my landlords standing behind me

"Do you need something Haruto-San?" I asked placing a flower down in the correct area

"No I'm alright Chikara-Kun, I was just wondering if you needed any help setting up some flowers or with watering and since Ryusei is at his job next door at the parlour, I'm bored sitting in my apartment" he responded chuckling slightly turning to look at the flowers I had already set up "oh wow, these are in great quality and their so beautiful!"

"Thank you, I made sure they were all watered before I packed them away" I responded picking up a spare watering can "I hate to ask, but could you water those plants over there for me and these ones here? I have to run a few errands" I spoke pointing to the plants that were already placed, and handing the watering can to him

"Of course deary" he responded taking the can and walking away to fill it

"Thank you" I said starting to head to the door "I'm also going to be heading to the store, do you need anything?" I Asked Haruto

"I'm okay sweetie" Haruto responded looking at me

"Okay, if you do end up needing anything then message me" I smiled and walked out

                  ~~~~ 30 minuets later ~~~~

I made it back to the shop, it was just after noon, I decided to go and say hello to the people who run the tattoo parlour next door, so I bought two fake small cactus plant as a small gift

I made my way inside the nearly complete shop, when I saw a short dark haired man stood by the counter talking to Haruto

"Ah welcome back Chikara-San!" Haruto said to me causing the shorter man to turn around

"Oh hello! You must be the new owner of the shop, I must say it's very beautiful, much different to the parlour" he said slightly embarrassed whilst also looking at all the flowers

"Oh thank you, oh Uhm I thought it would be a nice gesture to buy you some plants for your parlour, they are fake so you don't have to worry about watering them, I was going to come over once I sorted out my plant hooks" I said getting the two plants out

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