Get to know the author :))

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I've seen other people I follow do this, and I thought, why not do the same, so here you go

Name: Allister

Age: 15 years old

Birthday: November 4th

School/job status: I am in high school and I do not have a job

School year: I am in Year 10 (or grade 9, I think)

Nationality: British

Ethnicity: half Scottish half English quarter German

Sexuality: Gay

Gender identity and pronouns: Demiboy, He/They/Xe/It

Favourite fandom/ships: favourite fandom is definitely Haikyuu (it's my comfort anime) and I'm a multi-shipper so I don't mind about ships, but I have to say EnnoTana/TanaEnno, IwaOi, OiKage, and BokuAka are my comfort ships

Friends: I surprisingly don't have a lot of online friends since I'm not comfortable having them, but I have a few, most of my friends are irl friends from school or people I met at Cosplay conventions

Hobbies: writing, reading, annoying tf out of people, Cosplay (I don't really Cosplay anymore due to my mock exams coming up soon)

Favourite book?: now, it's actually the series 'solo levelling' it's a story based in Korea following a Character known as Jinwoo Sung, it's a really good story, so far though I only have books 1-2, but I highly recommend it

Fun fact: I have a lot of pets. I have 3 dogs, 17 rabbits, 11 guinea pigs, a tortoise, and I think about 20 Silkie bantam chickens

Socials: insta: pine._.coness / anxietyspacetarts (I'm not even sure at this point)
snap: ghostified.cos
Tik Tok: borrrednnoshita

Favourite chapter I've written: probably my most recent chapter 'surprising encounters'

Am I blind?: yes- well I'm short sighted should I say

What do I look like?:

What do I look like?:

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Yeah I don't like the way I look-

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Yeah I don't like the way I look-

I just want to say

thank you for all the support, it's nearly been a year since this book came out, and I've had the best time writing these chapters, and I'm so happy you all enjoy my chapters, I know I said this in my last chapter but I honestly cannot express how grateful and happy I am

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