Rewrite: red string AU

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Another rewrite

Nothing else to say :)

Ennoshita Chikara, a college student, had been waiting to find his soulmate for a few years, he didn't necessary care, but it always peaked his interest, and always crossed his mind

The way one finds their soulmate, was by following a red string that was attached to the persons pinky finger, and once they have met their soulmate, the red string will disappear, unless that person is miles away, it will reappear, the age you start to see your string is 16

(Absolutely no clue how tf red string AUs work so I'm making it up)

Ennoshita sighed, he was bored and laying down on his bed

He looked down at his hand seeing the string, he lifted his hand to get a better look at the red material, he examined the string carefully and then felt a tug on his finger

This startled him slightly and tugged back, thinking he was just feeling things, not even a second later there was another tug

"This can't be happening" Ennoshita whispered, he hadn't felt a tug or anything like this before, so naturally he was confused

"Hey Ennoshita-chan" Ennoshita's roomate, Tooru Oikawa, walked through the door "you busy?"

Ennoshita and Oikawa had met up when Oikawa was in his last year of college, they ended up talking to each other and becoming close friends, which resulted in Ennoshita meeting Makki and then meeting Matsukawa, Makki's boyfriend who was studying abroad, over FaceTime, which THEN resulted in Ennoshita moving in with the duo

Ennoshita sat up and looked at his friend smiling "no, I'm not busy Oikawa-san"

"Good because I wanna tell you something" Oikawa ran over to the brunette dragging him off the bed

"What's up?" Ennoshita asked as the two walked down the hallway

"You'll know in a second" Tooru answered reassuringly at Ennoshita

Oikawa pulled Ennoshita into the living room, where there was a shorter male, he was taller than Ennoshita but shorter than Oikawa, he was quite muscular he had spiky brown hair and was quite tan

"This is Hajime Iwaizume, he's my soulmate" Oikawa admitted "I've already introduced him to Makki-chan"

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Chikara-san" Iwaizume had stood up from the sofa and bowed his head slightly

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine" Ennoshita copied Iwaizume's movements and looked at Oikawa "I'm glad you found him"

"Awh thank you Chikara-chan" Oikawa hugged the younger tightly

"So how did you two meet?" Ennoshita asked patting Oikawa's back

Hajime smiled "well we met nearly 9 months ago, when I walked into the coffee shop he works at, but we wanted to get to know each other before getting into a relationship, so that's what we did, and here we are" Hajime admitted a little embarrassed, also not really knowing how to explain it

"That sounds great!" Ennoshita laughed as Tooru let go of him

Just then a male with pink hair walked through the door

"Hey Makki!" Tooru greeted

Makki also lived with them, he and Oikawa had invited Ennoshita to live with them since they wanted to fill up the space in their apartement

"Yo" Makki smiled at ye trio stood in the living room

"How's Matsukawa-kun? We haven't heard about him in a while" Ennoshita asked

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