Rewrite: Date

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Loving the rewrites :)

Also this one might be a little shorter than the others, since I couldn't really think of anything to write about, but I still hope you like it :)

This is shit btw I'm not proud of the outcome of this, but oh well

Ennoshita was throwing clothes all onto the ground, his friends were all gathered in his room trying to help him, he had a date with a guy he had met in one of his college classes

"Chikara-chan, let us pick out something for you" Oikawa said

Ennoshita refused a few times but finally gave up and flopped onto his bed, waving his hand to signify that they could do whatever

The three friends began scavenging through the pile of clothes, before finding something they thought that the brunette would look ✨s t u n n i n g✨ in, and they were right

"Here, Enno, put this on" his other friend Akaashi spoke handing Ennoshita the outfit

It was a simple outfit, a button up white shirt, a pale yellow jumper with a picture printed on the front, a few rings and necklaces, and a pair of black jeans

"Oh my god! You look amazing!" A silver haired male yelled

"Thank you Suga-san" Ennoshita laughed

The other two friends gave him a thumbs up and complimented him, before sending him on his way, they walked with Ennoshita down to about half way before separating and walking away

Ennoshita took a deep breath and continued walking, he was nervous, he didn't really expect a popular attractive man like him would ask him out

He got to the meeting spot and waited a few minuets before hearing the man yell to him

"Hey! Sorry I'm late" it was Tanaka Ryunnosuke who had asked out the brunette

"Uhm, it's alright, I'm a little early anyways" Ennoshita replied looking Tanaka up and down, he was wearing:

"Uhm, it's alright, I'm a little early anyways" Ennoshita replied looking Tanaka up and down, he was wearing:

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(I'm too lazy to really describe it)

Plus a checkered long sleeved button up on top

Ennoshita thought he look amazing, and attractive with this on

"You look nice" Tanaka complimented

"Oh, thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" Ennoshita replied

"You want to get going?" Tanaka asked putting out his hand for the other to take

Ennoshita happily linked their arms and allowed himself to be lead to there destination

"You know, I didn't expect someone like you to ask me to go on a date, you seem to busy talking to others than to notice me" Ennoshita sighed

"What? Literally everyone talks about how attractive you are! I didn't know what they meant but when I saw you in my science I knew what they meant" Tanaka said moving his hand so it was holding Ennoshita's

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