Never forget

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I'm feeling mean and angsty today because my mental health just says so

This will be in first person, In Tanaka's POV because I think it suits the story better :) (at the start that is, it will also be 3rd person)

⚠️Mentions of blood and death, so please click off if you do not like⚠️

A n g s t

What does being abandoned feel like? Or, whether, what is it?

I always ask myself this, ever since the incident, I don't know where to go from here.. now he's gone, he was everything, he made my life and world light up, now he's gone, nothing feels the same anymore

"Come on Ryū.. it's time to leave" my sister spoke to me, she had he mascara and eyeliner running down her cheeks, her eyes were puffy and red

I looked down at my best friends grave "I didn't even get to tell him how I felt" I thought as tears began falling down my cheeks again

She stared at me for a minute before she also began silently crying again "I'm sorry.." I whispered placing a flower at the freshly covered grave of my one and only love, Ennoshita Chikara

Everyone on the team had left the scene by now, I couldn't bring myself to leave, but I knew I had to, I hesitantly walked away from the grave after whispering an "I love you"

Saeko linked our arms in a comforting way whipping some of the stray tears that were running down my face

"Don't cry Ryū, please, we all know what he meant to you" Saeko

I didn't respond and just scrunched up my face, I didn't want to remember what happened that night, that fateful night, I couldn't help but feel guilty and feel like this was all my fault that he's gone

- - - - - - - - flash back (3rd person bc why not)- - - - - - - -

Tanaka and Ennoshita were walking home together, they were laughing and enjoying themselves, as they were crossing the road, an out of control vehicle came speeding down the road

Ennoshita's natural kind and caring attitude kicked in, pulling the bald male out of the way before he could get hit, but meaning he was the unlucky victim of this event

Tanaka gasped at the feeling of being pulled from behind, as he fell to the ground he saw Ennoshita saying one more thing before he fell to his fate, Tanaka couldn't call out to the other

Once the whole ordeal was over, Tanaka just sat there in shock, he saw a woman walking over to him, she was a bystander who saw everything

Tanaka started to panic slightly, once the police and the ambulances arrived

"Sir? Are you okay? Anything hurting?" One of the nurses asked

Tanaka only looked at them slightly and shook his head as they led him into one of the ambulances as Ennoshita was put on a stretcher into the other ambulance

"Is.. is my friend okay?" Tanaka managed to stammer out

"He's badly injured, but he's in good hands, don't worry sir" the person said

Tanaka nodded and sat down silently in the chair, the ambulance crew offered him a blanket as they checked him for injuries, he only had a few scratches, cuts and bruises, physically he seemed fine, but mentally, he wasn't,

Scenarios were running around in his head "what would've happened if we were more careful when walking?" "Is he okay?"

Saeko met Tanaka at the hospital, Tanaka had called her in the ambulance due to the doctors request

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