Chapter 5: Day 46

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Alexia's POV
It's been 46 days since we first got here and me and Luke haven't fought in 22 days.
The people who called themselves my parents kept on calling ad Percy, Jacob, and Adam kept on showing up but I wouldn't even look at them.
Right now I'm staring out the window while sitting on the couch.
Luke has been giving me worried glances as he scrolls through his phone.
Apparently the fans of his band heard the news that Luke may get kicked out and they weren't happy.
Some of them said that Luke started the band so he decides who gets kicked out but some have....other points of views of it.
Finally Luke breaks the silence," look, maybe they had a reason for not telling you. like maybe your real parents didn't want you to know."
I just stare out the window at the kids in the park across the street.
That's when he sat in front of me.
"Alex, seriously. I'm not kidding." He said.
I sighed and looked at him.
"But why didn't they tell me? like what'd I do to them to allow them the right to keep it from me? I don't get it." I mumbled.
"I don't know Alex I don't know." he said.
We sat like that on the couch just staring at each other.
Then my eyes starting feeling droopy.
Then I started falling then I was caught.
Last thing I remember was worry and shock spread across his face as my world slipped from me.
Day 47
I woke up in my bed with a damp cloth draped over my forehead.
I looked around and saw the room was darker than usual.
I saw it was nighttime.
That's when he entered and saw that I was awake.
He came over to me and sat down next to me and just stared at me.
His right hand cupped my cheek and I leaned into it then drifted into a sleep I haven't had in a while.
Day 48
I woke up again but this time in the morning when it was bright out.
He was still next to me, this time laying with his arm draped across my waist.
I grabbed my phone and saw we've been here for 48 days.
I groaned and shifted after placing my phone down on the side table.
I then saw a glass of water and an Advil next to my phone and I downed the water and pill and then felt much better.
He tightened his grip on me for a second then loosened it all the way.
"Alex?" he mumbled.
"Yea?" I asked.
"How long have we been here for?" he asked.
"48 days." I said.
"Wait, that means that we only have 12 days left." he said.
"I know." I mumbled and laid my head back down on the pillow.
"So what're we gonna do? I don't want to get kicked out my band Alex. that's the only thing I've got." he said and I sighed.
"I don't want to get kicked out and loose my job either because then I'll probably be on the streets." I said.
"Why are they making us do this? I know the pranking got a little carried away but that doesn't give them the right to do this to us." He said.
"I totally agree with you. what happened to me when we were talking about my parents?" I asked.
"You passed out from lack of sleep and food." he said.
I widened my eyes and turned to face him.
"Lack of food?" I said.
"Yep, the hospital said you were eating food, just not enough of it." he said.
"Oh," I said yawning.
" And it also was because you don't get enough sleep. so if you're tired right now, go to sleep." he said and I nodded.
My pillow fell behind the bed and I groaned.
He chuckled and pulled me to him and I used his shirt as a pillow.
Then I fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.
I woke up to see a figure standing over me. I looked around, I wasn't in the room I fell asleep in. I looked to my right and saw Luke chained to the wall with bruises and blood on him. The man standing in front of me cackles evilly then walks out of the room and deadbolts the door. I ran to Luke's side and took the chains off of him and he immediately fell into me.
"Run as far away as you can Alex. don't come back for me." He said. I looked at him, shocked that he would say something like that.
"No! not without you. I'm not leaving and you know it." I said. That's when a guy comes in and throws me across the room and stabs Luke's leg.
"No!" I screamed but he wouldn't stop.~~
I woke up with a start with Luke shaking my shoulders.
"Don't do that to me Alex I thought you wee gonna die!" he said.
"And I thought you were." I said and he looked at me and saw my disheveled face then pulled me into a hug.
Why would I care if he dies?
What is happening to me?
I just stuffed my face into his neck and we laid there like that.
Me in his arms with my face in his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist with his face in my neck.
He was humming a tune of one of his songs that he wrote himself.
"If you get kicked out of your band will you promise me that you won't allow them to use any of the songs that you made yourself?" I mumbled into his neck.
"Of course. and if you get kicked out you can always stay at my place." he mumbled into my neck.
I giggled slightly.
"Oh, so you're ticklish?" he asked me.
"No I'm not." I said quickly.
He sat up and leaned over me and started tickling my stomach.
I started squealing and laughing because it tickles.
Then I was starting to not being able to breath because of how much I'm laughing.
"C-an't b-breath." I wheezed out and he finally stopped but was still hovering over me.
"Is there cameras in here?" I asked him.
"Nope, only in open rooms like the hallway and the kitchen living room dining room and stuff like that." he said.
"Good." I said.
Then I did something I never ever thought I'd do in my whole entire life.

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