Chapter 7: Escape Mission

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Alex's POV
I woke up curled up in a ball next to Luke with him having an arm around me and his head in my neck.
I un-curl my legs and this is when he wakes up.
"Good morning." he says to me.
"Good morning." I mumble and stretch my legs and arms out and I look like a cat.
" You look like a cat." he yawns, looking down at me.
"That's what I was just thinking." I said.
He laughed.
I was soon consumed in my own thoughts.
Why didn't they tell me?
I had a right to know.
Was I an abomination to my actual family??
I probably was.
"Are you okay?" he asked me after a few minutes of silence.
I shake my head and he pulls me into a firm hug.
"I shouldn't have let her hit you. she doesn't have the right." he said.
"It was my fault. I provoked her." I said sniffing.
"Still, no one deserves to be hit. especially not you." he said and I lightly smiled at him.
"Thanks." I said.
"For what?" He asked.
"For cheering me up." I said and he smiles and nodded.
He looks at me and smiles.
"I can't believe you! even after she slapped me you still can't be a civilized person?!" I shouted at him as we stood some feet away from each other in the living room.
"You deserved it!" he shouted back.
"No, you deserve this!" I said and jumped on his back and started whacking him.
"Get off of me fatty!" he shouts.
I stop and gasp," you did not just call me fat!" I shout and he shrugs and I continue whacking him.
"Ugh, stop!" he shouts and throws me onto the couch.
"Ow!" I shout as I fall off.
Then 2 men in all black come in.
"Alex!" Luke shouts as I was hit over the head and knocked out.
~~ 2 minutes before ~~
He looks at me and smiles.
"Why don't we pretend to fight just to get all of them pissed off?" He asked.
"How? we like each other. we don't hate each other." I said.
"Use all the anger from your fake parents and siblings and use it against me." he said.
I nodded.
~~present time ~~
I woke up in a darkish room.
I see that I am chained to a wall.
I looked across from me and see that Luke is chained onto a wall across from me.
"Luke." I whimper.
"Alex??" he whispers.
"Why are we here? where are we?" I whisper.
"I don't know." he whispered back.
Then a man in all black comes out.
"If it isn't Alexia Summers." the man said, I knew the voice all to well.
"What are you doing here?? you're supposed to be in prison!" I shout.
"Key word supposed to be in prison." He says.
"What do you want from me?" I cry out.
"You put me in prison for 5 years! so now you're gonna pay!" he says and slaps me.
I whimper in pain.
"Leave her alone!" Luke shouts.
"Luke, don't." I whisper.
"Oh, you want me to leave her alone? well now I'm gonna hurt her even more." he says and punches me.
I cry out and he cackles.
Then the other person in black comes out.
Yet he doesn't have a mask on," how could you?!" I shout at my former best friend Danny.
"It was easy! really it was. All I had to do was remember how awful you were and then I did it!" Danny said.
"Danny?" Luke asked.
"Luke my man! how are ya?" he said walking over to Luke, before Luke could reply though. he punched Luke in the stomach.
"Leave him alone!" I shout," you want revenge on me. then hurt me instead."
While Danny's over by Luke and hurts him, he comes and kicks me in the side.
I whimper but hold it in.
After a while they've had enough and leave.
"Alexia??" Luke mumbles.
I whimper in reply.
Then I heard rustles and soon Luke was in front of me.
"How'd you-" he cut me off.
"Shhhh, we don't want them to know." he says and takes the chains off of me, and catches me in his arms as I fall forward.
He picks me up bridal style and pulls out his phone and texts 911.
Soon we heard sirens.
Gun shots were heard and soon cops came and knocked down the door.
I was immediately put on a stretcher with Luke standing by my side.
"Do you know these two men?" A cop says and comes over to me with Danny and him handcuffed.
"Yes, it's Danny Waver and Andrew Anderson." I whisper.
"Both fugitives who escaped from prison." the cop tsked and shoved them in 2 deprecate police cars.
Me and Luke were both shipped off to the hospital.
"Thank you." I say.

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