𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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When it got bright outside, Draco and I were torn out of sleep because some idiot hammered at the door like crazy. „You stay in bed, honey, I'm going to answer the door" Draco whispered to me. He kissed me on his forehead and pulled his blanket aside and got up. He was only in his boxer shorts, but he doesn't mind being seen by others like that.

Draco slowly opened the door and stretched out his head. Behind the door stood Blaise, who was a little pissed off and said to Draco „get dressed mate, you overslept the first fucking hour!" „Wait what it's so late? Go back down, Blaise , we'll be right there." Draco closed the door and Blaise went to the next lesson.

Draco came back to me and shook me up „wake up, we are already far too late for class" I didn't want to get up yet and just turned to the other side. Draco became loud and screamed „ LINA GET UP NOW. DAMN IT" i was frightened and asked „What's going on Draco? I want to keep sleeping." „We will be late for class now finish you, my fucking god.." Draco reached into my suitcase and pulled out my uniform and threw it at my bed „get dressed now!" Draco disappeared in the bathroom where he gets ready. „You should have dressed here, too. I've already seen everything from you" I screamed after him.  He didn't answer, so I lay myself back under the ceiling and keep sleeping.

Draco opened the bathroom door and became very loud." You can't be serious that you're just sleeping, I'm already completely finished and you haven't even managed anything but change sides." I was still not really awake, but Draco didn't care he pulled my blanket away grabbed my by my arm and dragged me into the bathroom and threw my clothes afterwards so that they were completely scattered in the bathroom. „When you come out of the bathroom, I want so see you finished!" He went out  of the bathroom and threw the door. I looked in the mirror and I looked really damn terrible. I made cold water in my face and neck to wake up, then I quickly brush my teeth quickly combed my hair and put on my clothes. „You'll hurry up there!" „Yes, I'm almost done" I called and quickly put my tie on it and opened the door slowly. Draco waited outside the door and sighed „what's  up? Don't you like it?" „I'm sure you won't come along like that. Take off the skirt!" Said Draco in a very serious tone.
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Rule five:
If I only get dressed to some extent sexy, he gets angry. Unless we're alone, then  he loves it.
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„Why is that? What's so bad about it?" „You have to see that yourself, the skirt is far too short, you can see your half ass. My god you make it all so stressful" „B-but.." „NOO nothing but. Go back to the bathroom and put on a fucking normal skirt!"
Yes, of course, it was my fault again that his morning was so stressful Jesus Christ.

I went back to the bathroom and put on another skirt. I was pretty angry with him because I hate it when he yells at m like that, so I tore open the door and went out of the bathroom. Draco jumped up, packed me at the waist and pressed me against the wall „behave yourself now!" He said mad to me and let go of me. I nodded and went with him to the next lesson. „What do we have now?" Asked Draco. „Nursing og magical creatures..." I answered quietly. „It's my hateest!"  Said Draco annoyed and twisted his eyes. „Just because Buckbeak attacked you.." Draco looked at me very badly „This stupid cattle just approached me and almost tore off my arm so please. Hagrid should have his animals educated and under control!"

I suppressed a laugh and went to class with him. Draco was still pissed off and didn't talk to me anymore, He didn't even take my hand anymore. „So we'll be there soon and you behave, you understand me?" I swallowed and just nodded. We had finally arrived at the place where Hagrid should be but he was nowhere I mean this giant can't be overlooked but he was really nowhere.

Suddenly you heard something loud behind us, it was Hagrid with a centaur. God, i hate these creatures, they are disgusting and creepy, especially like some always staring at, I moved closer to Draco and clung to his shoulder. He slightly pushed me away from him and said softly, „Don't be like that, it's just a centaur." „And what about the situation of you and Buckbeak?" „That was something completely different that you can't compare... he attacked me and now shut up!"
I stayed silent and wondered what I did so bad that he was so pissed off. I mean, yes, he doesn't like Hogwarts very much. We all know that but why was it so important to him to go to class? Otherwise he always skipping class.

Only his rules- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now