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Sometimes, to do what's right, we have to be steady, and give up the things we want the most. Even our dreams.

- Alvin Sargent, Spider-Man 2


The original trailer was created for the first draft of Atomic (available on my page) by the lovely and talented ariannamaee. Thank you to her for making it for me back in 2019 and believing in this story then.


Kingsbury, Montana, 1979: A nuclear accident occurs at Atomic Energy's facilities, forcing the town to abandon the original settlement and rebuild a shining new city nearby as superpowers emerge in the survivors.

In 2019, two girls from New Kingsbury live very different lives.

Mira is a Sentinel, a superhero who is owned and raised by Atomic Energy. One of the failures of the program, her team seeks redemption by bringing in a notorious supervillain. But after her friend's betrayal and death, Mira has to go outside everything she ever knew and make alliances to find out the truth behind her friend's dying words: "They're lying to you."

Claire hates superheroes and villains-her mother was killed in the supervillain attack on City Hall when she was a little girl. But after a supervillain attack, Claire discovers her powers and her mother's legacy and has to grapple with the truth of what happens to civilians with superpowers.

Both girls will discover a secret that changes everything.


Music is an important part of my creative process as an author. These songs were instrumental to developing the characters and themes currently present in Atomic Rebooted. I hope by including them it might be some nice insight on the characters.

"Superman" by Taylor Swift

"Hurry Up and Save Me" by Tiffany Giardina

"We Are the Waiting" by Green Day

"Punch It Punk!" As covered by CamiCat

"Whatshername" by Green Day

Atomic: RebootedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant