03 - potion partners

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THE NEXT MORNING was horrible

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THE NEXT MORNING was horrible. The piercing bright light had made its way into the girl's dormitory. Normally this wouldn't bother the girls, but they did have a fun very late night of talking and drinking butterbeer. Lily had returned just in time for the planned hangout, claiming she went off studying.

Marlene groaned smashing her face back into her pillow, however, Lily and Alice were up already doing their hair.

"How are you guys doing that?" Selene questioned.

"You see Sel, I take the brush, and brush it through my hair like this," Alice said in a mocking tone.

Selene smiled sarcastically shooting a glare at Alice, "We were up till three in the morning. I am tired."

Alice laughed, "No, you and Marlene were. Lily and I were in bed."

She finally got out of bed to get ready for the day. "I am not ready for the first day of potions." Selene huffed.

"It will be fun! besides Slughorn always puts you and I as potion partners." Lily reassured


The four walked into the great hall for breakfast. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and shining as always. The great hall was filled with the usual giggles and chatter.

Selene plopped down on the seat in between Lily and Marlene. Alice strolled off to sit with Frank.

The brunette stared to shoveled eggs and toast onto a plate. Spreading  raspberry jam onto the piece of toast (the best flavor of jam, by the way!)

"Thank you for the potion Lils," Marlene said while slowly eating a piece of toast.

Of course Lily knew a potion to make Marlene feel better from their long night.

The three were talking normally about their classes for the day and, what homework they need to complete. Until there was yelling coming from a few spots over, "Oi Ray!" Sirius shouted.

Selene looked over to see Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James looking over at her. Selene rolled her eyes before saying "Yes Black?"

"Is it true that James called you Selly and then you hexed him?"

Selene glared at James and then sarcastically smiled to Sirius "Yes it is... and I would do it again."

It was safe to say that James Potter for once in his life looked horrified.

Marlene laughed and nudged Selene, "What did you do to him?" Selene laughed alongside her. It seemed everyone was laughing except Lily and James.

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