19: meaningful

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JAMES AND SELENE WERE SAT in the Gryffindor common room, studying

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JAMES AND SELENE WERE SAT in the Gryffindor common room, studying. She was helping him with muggle-studies. It felt like old times, she helped him and he would smirk or say a snarky comment in return. It wasn't awkward like it had been when Selene was adamant on ignoring the Potter boy.

The two were sat on the same sofa. However, Selene was on her respective side. James thought it humorous to have no whatsoever personal space. His legs were sprawled out among the couch his feet laid upon her lap, bouncing up and down just for sport.

"What are five examples of electricity used in muggle house holds?" She asked the boy, they were half way through the work sheet. "Washing machine, Air conditioning, Telly, Refrigerator, and Freezer." James said, with a proud look on his face, puffing out his chest proudly.

Selene rolled her eyes in amuse, a small smile playing on her lips. "Correct."

James dramatically got up and faced the whole common room. He cleared his throat and deeply bowed. The messy haired boy then proceeded to do the shuffle flawlessly.

Selene blinked a few times giving the guy a look of disbelief on how dramatic he was. "What?" James asked, with a smirk on his face. "I am simply celebrating our win." Selene shook her head with a snort, looking down at the paper to read the next question. James finally decided to sit down, after doing a series of odd dances to the remaining people in the common room's entertainment.

It was late at night. It had been a few weeks since Selene last helped James with his homework. They were back, as friends of course.

James was studying her face as she studied his work. He smiled slightly, admiring her: her face screwed up slightly in concentration as she corrected his answers. She looked up to find he was already looking at her. Selene smiled awkwardly at him, "You got them all right."

His smile widened at this, "No way." he gently took the paper from her, to have a look at it himself. She was correct. He had gotten each question right. "I would say you could pass as a muggle now if you needed to." The brown eyed girl joked, looking down at her lap with a small smile, fidgeting with her rings. It was one of her favorites: the mood ring. Marlene and her had went shopping a few summer holidays back and got matching mood rings.

He looked up from the paper to her once again. James looked down slightly, she was playing with her rings as if she was nervous. "Are you nervous?" James blurted, absentmindedly reaching down to take her hand, "There is no need to be."

Selene looked up to meet his eyes, her eyes softening at the sight. "No," she shook her head slightly, "I like to play with my rings, each one has a meaning."

"Which is?"

She pulled her hand away from his, and pointed at her pointer finger, "My parents gave me this one the night before I first arrived at school."

The ring had a white gold band with multiple colors mixed in with it: Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Indicating all the Hogwarts houses. On the center was a bright ruby gemstone, with a lion engraved on it.

"They told me it had all the colors for the houses because no matter what house I got sorted in, they would be proud." She smiled at the memory. "And then after I got sorted into Gryffindor, they added the ruby."

Before he could respond she moved on to her ring finger, "And then for this one, Remus and I went shopping in muggle London last summer and got matching rings."

This ring was a thick gold clunky ring with a big smile on it.

James gasped, "And you didn't think to invite me?!" Selene looked up to meet his eye, "And you would want to wear a ring as a symbol of friendship?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "This summer we are getting matching rings, so I feel included."

Selene fought back a smile, "Sounds like a plan."

"But, I am running out of fingers so you better get on it."

"I will don't you worry yourself." He huffed dramatically. A thought came into his mind. "At some point you will have to part with the one on your left."

"And why is that?"

"Marriage, duh!"

She was sure her face may of reddened at this, but masked it well. "I am not sure." She said, pulling a face as if she was pondering it. "And why is that?" James asked. "Well surely my fiancé will have to understand that I simply cannot part with my matching mood ring with Marlene. We will have to get toe engagement rings."

"Sounds like a plan—" James said, but shut his mouth quickly.

Selene smiled slightly, but chose to ignore his comment. "I think it is a good idea." She nodded, "Marlene and I have a pact that if we both aren't married by exactly thirty eight years and nine months we will marry each other."

"Genius—" He said sarcastically. Before he could finish their heads shot up at the sound of an 'Awh!'

Lo and behold there was Sirius and Marlene, at the top of the boys dormitory stairs looking at the two as if they were in love, definitely not.

"That's right Potter, I have claimed her at the age of thirty eight and nine months!" Marlene blew a kiss to Selene, who dramatically caught it and brought it to her cheek.

"Prongs!" Sirius shouted, mock pouting. "That was a really cute couple moment for you and all, but it is time for bed. Wormtail is getting pouty."

"Well Sel, thank you for the help." James saluted her with two fingers. "My pleasure." She smiled awkwardly.


"HE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!" Marlene shrieked, throwing herself on her bed. "You need to make it official."

"We are just friends." Selene mumbled. She did like him, but wasn't ready for a relationship at that moment. She wanted to be in the talking stage for longer, enjoying her life. Being in the moment with her friends and loved ones. They were only sixteen after all.

Selene was a proud cancer. Her birthday landing exactly on June twenty-first.

"Just friends my arse." Marlene rolled her eyes. "You totally like him. And he totally likes you. So just snog and get it over with."

Selene said nothing in response she just laughed and rolled her eyes.

Who knew what seventeen had in store for her.

note: sorry for the slightly late update! small update but I am preparing for going into Highschool I am very scared

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note: sorry for the slightly late update! small update but I am preparing for going into Highschool I am very scared.

what is your zodiac sign? I am a proud pisces.

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