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"Marlene and Mary off in Romania working with dragons!" Lily laughed, "It fits them perfectly."

Selene smiled, "That's what I thought as well!"

"Gosh, I remember when we were first boarding the train." Lily smiled, remembering the memory of the two small eleven-year-olds wandering the train searching for an open compartment, ending up in the compartment of four rowdy boys.

"Yeah, Lils," Selene laughed, "It's how I found
my husband and how we found our book club member!"

"We have book club next week, don't forget!" Lily reminded, despite all the years that had passed they still did their book club every month.
"Oh, I hope they have fun!" Lily gasped.

"Oh, they will. Eliza and Eliana are inseparable." Selene said, watching the two girls walk onto the train as she and Lily did decades ago.

"And my kids are natural social butterflies." James piped in. "Harry is brilliant at Quidditch, just like his father.

"Wow Prongs," Sirius said from beside Remus. "I am not sure, your Eliza is pretty feisty."

"I raised her right!" Selene said proudly, watching her child through the train window, "In all seriousness, I think everyone will do great."

"Oh look!" James gushed, "Harry has already found Ron!"

"And a girl just walked into the compartment," Sirius smirked, "What a stud."

"Sirius," Remus reminded, "He is eleven."


"So, he is eleven."

Remus and Sirius continued to bicker back and forth. Lily went off to her husband, which left James and Selene alone.

"We did pretty well." Selene smiled, her eyes were slightly glazed over.

"We did perfect, love." James smiled, kissing his wife on the cheek.

"I am biased!" Selene laughed, looking over at James who was already looking at her.

"We should have more."

"You're crazy." Selene whispered a smile on her face, "We already have a first and second year at Hogwarts."

"See?" James started, "We would have the time."

"We can talk about it," Selene concluded as the train started to depart from the station.

"I love you," James whispered.

"And I you."

The future is unwritten, who truly knows what will happen next?

author note: well that is Ecstasy. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting. I hope you enjoyed it. I truly have enjoyed writing this for you. And as the story said, "The future is unwritten." So, who knows if you will see Selene and James again. They could never truly leave now, could they?

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