"protective" pt2

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(So I kinda died for awhile but now I'm back your regular warning plus vilonce...and mabye spice 😏 idk I'll decide while wrighting)

Someone was at the door way (we all know who) it was striker standing in the door way "is there a problem in here" striker said he looked a little upset "don't mind us in here...just my dumb daughter" your father said (oh no he didnt) "really it's nothing" your father tried to move infront of you to cover up that your hurt....striker still noticed..."hm this dosnt look like nothing" striker said....you kept quite your heart jumping out of your chest you where so distracted that you didn't notice your father arguing with striker "LISEN HERE BOY I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR PLAYING AT BUT GET OUT OF THIS ITS NOT ANY OF  YOUR BUSINESS" Your dad shouted at striker..."listen here...I don't give a fuck of it isn't my business no I suggest you leave Before things get bloody...." striker said threatening your dad was shocked and obvily scared (what a pussy) he quickly left the house and went outside to the others leaving you there in the room with striker "um...T-thanks..." you where a nervous and blushing mess...striker notice that...you where holding your arm which was gushing blood "is your arm alright" striker asked "um....n-not really.." you said stuttering "you might want to fix that little lady" striker replied...you don't know why but you where blushing so hard "~ what in the actual hell is this feeling ugh I just want it to stop I want these thoughts of him out of my head~" you thought to yourself...you look back at striker it looked like he wanted to say or do something but couldn't...he was about to walk away when you shout "WAIT-!" Striker quickly turns around to face you "~ F-fuck why did you shout that you have nothing to say WTF-! ~" you thought in a panic "um..are you ok y/n-?" striker said confused "U-uh....um....N-nevermind...." you said nervously and looked down striker walked towards you and that's when your heart started racing again....."Y/n I need to te-" striker got cut of by your older sister "A-HA CAUGHT YA-!" Persephone said "I KN-" you cut off your sister "persephone what the fuck are you talking about"...."What this guy has been doing to ya-!" Your sister replied "Percy he was just talking to me" you said to your sister (also Percy is what you and your family call persephone) "Ya right-!" Your sister replied your sister kept on talking and talking and you didn't understand you just secretly walked away from her because she wasn't paying any attention to you...you walk outside and you see that everyone is getting ready to leave "hm where's everyone going" you asked "Oh-! Y/n the games are going to start soon so where gonna get going" your younger brother said ...thats right you had forgotten all about the games "Oh-! Y/n are you ok what happened to your arm" millie asked "o-oh....I just fell and cut it" you lied because you didn't want anyone else to know what happened "oh here let's wrap it up-!" Millie said as she brought out some badges and helped you wrap up your arm "Oh t-thanks millie" you said "Anytime Y/n I gotta help a friend in need" millie said smiling you smiled back....once your arm was wrapped up you got up "Ok...let's go-!" You said "YE FUCKING HA YALL-!" Millie shouted excited you and the others where making there way over to the festival....

(This is the longest part I've ever made its also the one that took me the longest lol welp see yall nest chapter hope you enjoyed also another blitzø quote bc I can "OH YOU DADDY FUCKER-!"–Blitzø 2021)

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