the games pt 1

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(Here is a very long over due episode of striker x reader sorry I've been gone for so long you will get and explanation at the end of this episode but for now you can continue to read I hope you enjoy my random friends :] ) 

You and your family made there way towards the games in the van you,you're mother,you're father,you're  siblings,and blitzø and his friends where in the van but something was off it was quiet too quiet and your siblings weren't annoying you and you  and your mom and dad
Arnt pestering you but then

"Ahem....I think there's something we must address" your father said "mhm something super obvious" your sister said after "Wha-?" You where said unsure on what they ment "tf are yall talking about-?" You sat there confused....unsure on what they ment when your sister persephone shouts "WHERE TALKING ABOUT STRIKER YA DIB SHIT-!" Confused you say "What tf are you talking about-???"

"Where talking about how you and striker are dating no daughter of mine will date a sissy cow boy like him" your father shouted

(let's do povs-)

Y/ns POV

"WHERE NOT DATEING DAD I DONT EVEN LIKE HIM LIKE THAT AND HE DOSNT EVEN LIKE ME-!" 'I shouted Im not entirely wrong- I mean it's true I so feel something for him but it's not love- is it? Well if it is it's not like he would even like me back-!

'No one likes me-!' I thought

"IM NOT DATEING HIM AT ALL-!" I yelled again

my dad pulled over the car and stared at me-

"OOO Y/N YOUR FUCKED IN YOUR A-!" blitzø so rudly shouted at us

"SHUT IT BLITZØ-!" MY older sister persephone shouted

As soon as I knew it everyone was yelling they where all shouting at each other and at me-!

Mille was yelling at my dad for yelling at Me

and moxie and blitzø where in a argument about something I didn't know what

loona and my sister persephone where yelling about me and striker

my mom was yelling at me saying how "un-responsable" I was for loving a man

and my brother burner was also yelling at dad for pulling his tail

my younger brother was shouting at me for being stupied

and my younger sister was crying because persephone accidentally elbowed her

There was to much yelling I couldn't take it so I opened the door and ran out I could hear everyone behind me in the car yelling

"Y/N GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW-! My father shouted

"Oooo Y/n your screwed n- OW!" blitzø was about to say when moxxie elbowed him

"Y/N HELTON YOU GET BACK HERE!" my mother yelled


"Y/N ITS STUPIED OF YOU TO RUN OUT!" burner yelled after persephone

"Y/N WAIT!" my younger sister yelled

"Y/N DONT LEAVE!!!" my younger brother added

But as I ran farther and farther the screams stopped and i was all alone in the field...or was I could hear something approaching 'oh god it better not my my sister' I turn around and see striker with his horse

"Well howdy there Y/n" striker said

"I- Wha- w-why are you here how did you get here" I started questioning him in my panicked state

"Whoa whoa one question at a time here because I was riding my horse to the festival but then I saw you" striker explained that as he was riding his horse he saw me run out of my family's van and Into the field

I just stood there in silence trying to wrapp my head around everything that just happened

"Are you ok darling?" Striker asked he actually sounded concerned I looked up at him with tears in my eyes for this was actually the first time that anyone has asked if I was ok that's when i snapped and fell to the ground crying

"No I'm not ok!" I cried striker then sat down next to me he gently cupped my face and looked me in the eyes

"Y/n...I understand that not everything is ok for you right now but you need to talk or cry go right ahead"

I hugged striker as I cried I could feel him hug back...

(Hi there! Sorry I was gone for so long I'm caught up with a school work and others stuff I'll be back soon to make another part but thank you for being patient and reading byeeee)

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