Hey, Nicolas?

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When we got to the restaurant Nick was not himself. He seemed on edge like something was going to happen, I guess he was worried about the fact that we could've died today. He is a very private person, and he only opened up to you if he knew he could trust you. He told me almost everything, sometimes it just took him some time. I decided very early on in our relationship, that if I noticed something was up I would say something to him and let him know that I was there for him. 

"Hey, do you need to process all that? You haven't taken your eyes off the door, and you keep digging in your pocket. We can just order the food and take it home if you want. We can just eat in the living room so it's more comfortable, and you can shower first so you have so much time to do your hair," I suggested. I needed to find something that would help calm him down a little and keep him from being so jumpy and fidgety. 

He shook his head and sat down, "nope, I'm good. I love you. Did you see the menu? You need food, so you should look. Yep."

I wish I knew what was wrong, why he was acting differently. I'm a trained federal agent, I profile people on a daily, but I can't figure out what's wrong with my own boyfriend. This is just peachy.

"Nick, are you okay? Please, what is wrong? I feel like you are holding something in? I just, I don't know? I have a gut feeling that something is up. I can see it in your eyes and-"

"Ellie," he said cutting me off, "nothing is wrong. I just have some plans. So, we are going to start with getting the little appetizer combo with the queso, spinach dip, salsa, and chips. You like to dip things and make combinations, even if there is a chance it won't be good. That's one of the many things I love about you, you take a chance on anyone and anything." 

He just took everything in. He knew everything about me. We could almost read each other's minds. Right now, I couldn't read his. I didn't know what was going on with his brain or how I could help. 

"Ellie, I just... you are the funniest and sweetest women I have ever met. You are unapologetically yourself and the most beautiful person ever. I just, I am so crazy in love with you. I love when you sit on the floor and eat chips while working on a case. I love how much you care about everyone. I love how amazing you are with Victoria, Johnny and Morgan. I love that you put everyone, including me, in their place when they do something ignorant. I love that you are a badass and a sweetheart at the same time," he said, digging in his pocket and pulling out a small black box.

Oh my God, is this happening? Yes. Oh my God, if I am right this is going to be the best night of my life. Winning just a little bit over the night I met him. We were both undercover for completely different ops. I made him first and pulled my badge after calling for backup. He showed me his badge and his phone number, and well... the rest was history.

He got down on one knee and I smacked my hand to my face. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Tears filled his eyes, but not a single one fell. He stayed on the ground for what felt like forever, moving his mouth without a single word coming out. I could see him getting frustrated with himself, "shit," he muttered with a nervous laugh. 

"Hey, Nicolas?" I asked, and his eyes got huge. "Will you marry me?"

The tears in his eyes fell, he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me at least ten quick times. He lifted me up and spun us in a circle, "you stole my words, Eleanor. Always steling my thunder," he laughed, kissing me again. "Yes. Now, Eleanor Raye Bishop, Will you marry me?" 

"Yes, " I cried, as he slipped the ring onto my finger. It was a twisted rose gold band, with small diamonds going up one side of each twist. There was a small cluster of stones in the middle, but no big diamond. It was perfect. Perfect for me, and perfect for out job. I would probably get a rubber wedding band to wear when we were working in the field, but that is something to think about later. 

I wrapped my arms around him, we had kissed but I wanted a hug. I wanted to hold onto him and feel him close to me. I wanted to be with him. I didn't even notice that the people in the restaurant were clapping. I looked around and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I hid my face in Nick's arm and laughed. 

We ate so much amazing food, and drove home, talking about how to tell the team, who was going to be in the wedding party, who we were inviting, and just general wedding ideas. We didn't really plan anything, we were just throwing around ideas for the fun of it. Nick had ask my mom for her blessing, because my dad and I aren't close. When we got home we sat on the couch to watch TV and talk some more. I thought back to the joke that Jimmy made last time him and Breena came over, 'you guys only really need a chair with how close you sit, I guess the rest is just for company and for show.' I laughed at my thoughts and shook my head when Nick looked at me confused.

"I talked to your brothers," he said. "honestly we are lucky that I am alive. I'm a federal agent, and they don't scare me, but the thought of them not trusting me to love you is terrifying. I can handle the whole getting treated with a shotgun situation, but them not seeing how much I love you is just, it's just crazy

I laughed and kissed his cheek, "they are just very protective because of... previous relationships

He wrapped his arm around me, letting his hand rest on my leg, "and I will help them kill the people who hurt you and anyone who does hurt you if I can't stop them first. I just wish they had a little faith in me, that's all. Anywhoooo," he said changing the subject, "I am very excited to tell the team and see what they say."

"Me too," I whispered, "I think I might talk to Gibbs about walking me down the aisle?"

"You can do whatever you want," he whispered back, kissing my head and scooping me up in his arms. "But that is something that you can think about tomorrow, because we almost died today and you need to sleep."

He carried me to the bedroom and sat me on the bed. I sat up for a little while, looking at my ring and smiling, before I turned the light off and laid down.  

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