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"Let's plan this wedding!" my mom yelled the second I walked into the house.

I hid in Nick's chest, as he pulled me into the kitchen to see her. I looked around, it was all so different. I hadn't been home in over six years, the pictures of my dad were off the wall and mantle. There wasn't a trace of him in the house, just like he was nowhere in my life. I stood awkwardly next to Nick, feeling much more comfortable in his arms than in my childhood home.

"What?" my mom asked, "You don't want to marry him? Eleanor, I thought you would be much more excited about planning your wedding. You love dressing up and getting fancy."

Nick chuckled softly, knowing that nothing about that was true. I took a deep breath to keep from yelling at her, "No mom. I am very excited about getting married to the love of my life, but planning a wedding is not something that I'm going to be doing here. Kasie, Jack, and Delilah are helping us. And no mother, I don't love dressing up and getting fancy. I will do it for our wedding because that will be a fun time with Nick, but please remember that Jake was the person who loved Eleanor dressing up. Not me," I yelled. Clearly,p the deep breath didn't work.

My phone rang, "Hello," I said, immediately hearing the sourness of my voice.

"Bishop?" Gibbs asked, "We've got a body at a Navel base down the street."

"Thank God."

"I will send you and Nick the address, is everything okay over there?" he asked.

"Just peachy."

I hung up the phone and reached over to pick up my jacket. "Gibbs needs us," I smiled looking up at Nick. "He texted the address, let's go."

When we got to the car, Nick reached over and kissed my cheek before driving away. "Did you say 'thank God' to a dead body Ellie?" He asked with a light laugh.

"Sure did. I'm not proud of it, but if he didn't call us there would have been another murder," I smiled.


Gunshots, that's all I heard. Pain, that's all I felt. My left arm felt like it was on fire. I looked around and heard Nick screaming for help. Was he hit too?

"Ellie," he said in a fake calm voice. "Gibbs got him, he can't get you again. You are safe. Help is on the way, you just need to keep talking to me."

I nodded and grabbed onto his arm, my head was pounding and my eyes were getting heavy. Gibbs ran over and lifted me into his lap. "Aisle," I whispered. "Walk... me down... the aisle... please?"

"You want me to walk you down the aisle when you marry Torres?" he asked.


He kissed the top of my head, "it would be an honor, but how about you ask me again when you aren't loopy and losing blood."

I nodded, causing myself to get even dizzier, "mmkay."

"Ellie," Nick said in an urgent voice. "you need to keep talking beautiful."

I smiled, "No thank you."

Loud sires started getting louder, causing my head to hurt worse. I hid my face in Gibb's chest as he carried me closer to the loud noises.


"I am fine," I yelled at Nick.

"Ma'am," he said in a firm voice. "You most certainly are not 'fine' you just got shot and lost a ton of blood. You have to get stitches and a blood transfusion before we can go home."

I rolled my eyes, "well that's just rude."

"I'm sorry for wanting to keep you alive?" he asked.

I nodded, "thank you."

He laughed at me, Gibbs and McGee walked in with flowers, "Is he making you made Elle?" McGee asked.

"Yes!" I yelled.

He laughed again, "how dare he! What is he doing?"

I glared over at Nick, "makin' me stay."

McGee nodded, "how dare he keep you alive?"


Gibbs sat on the edge of my bed, "I think we are going to keep you here so you can get better. You can't be in the field with no blood. Trust me, as much as I would like the best member of my team back, I need you back in full force. Not half-assed."

"Fine," I said. "Will you still walk me down the aisle when I get married to the love of my life?"

His eyes teared up, Gibbs doesn't cry but right now he was, "of course beautiful. It would be my honnor."

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