Guess What?

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"We do have something to tell you guys," I said, hiding my hand from them.

Jimmy looked around the room clearly not used to being upstairs, "is there always this creepy vibe or like... is it just me?"

Nick looked over at me and winked. I put my hand over my face to contain my smile, I had texted Kassie to come up and was trying to stall until she came. I was great at keeping my cover when it was life and death, but when it was just our friends and a happy surprise, not so much.

"Ellie!" Kassie yelled, running to the squad room. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" I asked.

She sat on my desk and sighed, "when you send a text meet me in the bullpen ASAP with four exclamation marks that means something is wrong. Nick's sitting at his desk and not with you, he's not even playing with the ends of your hair or brushing your bangs out of your face. What's wrong did someone die? Is someone dying? I don't like this vibe here, is it just me?"

I laughed and looked between her and Jimmy, "nothing is wrong. You guys really need to get out of the basement more. Nothing is wrong and no one is dying or dead. Well, Nick kinda died in my dream last night, and has stitches on the back of his neck but other than that we are very good. Anywhooo," I laughed, "Does anyone know how one goes about changing their last name on their badge? Asking for a friend," I said with a small smile.

"You just have to go to Human Resources and they should take care of it for you. Why are you changing you're.... oh my God! Ellie! Are you two? Nick, did you finally get the guts to ask her?" Jimmy yelled.

Nick rolled his eyes and walked over to my desk and wrapped his arms around me in my chair, I tilted my head back and made a kissy face at him. He kissed me softly on the lips, then moved my bangs to kiss my forehead.

"Well," I laughed, "he had the guts to get on one knee. Asking the question... maybe not."

Everyone looked confused, and Gibbs laughed, "you proposed, Bishop?"

"Mhmm," I said smiling proudly. "He did it again after I did and we both said yes sooooo I'm getting married."

Jimmy rolled his eyes and handed Kassie a twenty-dollar bill. They were always whispering about Nick and me, apparently, they had some bet going on about when he would ask.

Something clicked in Kassie's brain. She ran over and pushed Nick out of the way hugging me. "You two are getting married!" she yelled, practically lifting me out of my chair. "Show me the ring!"

I lifted my hand and showed her the ring. Nick stole my hand to kiss it, but Kassie slapped his hand away. I shook my head and laughed, "So, director, you look...mad?"

"Agent Bishop, I'm just worried about how this will affect your work for your team and NCIS as a whole," he said with slight anger dripping from his voice. "You can't be married to someone in the agency, let alone on the same team as you."

Nick kissed the top of my head and moved from behind my desk to be closer to Vance, "Right," he snapped. "Because we have been such a problem for the team, and we have caused so many issues. And adding a label makes it even worse, right? Me being able to show her that I love her and am always with her is so bad for the team, right?" He asked, getting louder and angrier. I could tell he was really upset because his accent started coming out. "It's not like we are sneaking off for lunch or screwing in the elevator," he yelled. "This is bullshit!"

I stepped from behind my desk and grabbed Nick's arm, "Director, what I think Nick is trying to say is that just because we are getting married nothing is going to change. We both understand that we can't wear rings undercover and can't have anything flashy in the field. We both also know that there is a time and place for things. We aren't going to let out personal lives get in the way of anything any more than anyone else does. So, I think that you need to consider what it would do to our team and NCIS as a whole to kick two people out and have to start from the beginning. Because as far as I can see, our team is happy for us and doesn't have a problem with it, and the only person in NCIS as a whole that has a problem with it is you."

Gibbs put his hand on my back and looked at Vance, "Torres and Bishop have been nothing but professional. If there is a problem I will come to you first, but for now, I will be damned if you try to rip apart my team that works so well together just because you can't stand to see two people in love."

Vance rolled his eyes and walked up the steps. He clearly saw my point in the fact that nothing was going to change. I looked over and Nick was still fuming. He had every right to be mad, I was too. This was a happy thing for both of us, and Vance just tried to rip it away. He didn't have any right to do that, especially because Nick and I have been dating for over two years and lived together for over a year. Not much is actually changing with us, including our work ethic. Gibbs and the rest of the team knew that. They knew that we were willing to be called out if we did something out of place, but announcing our marriage on a day that was so slow Kassie and Jimmy were upstairs is not something out of place.

"Oh-kay," Tim said, trying to break the tension. "Did you guys come up with wedding parties, wedding dates, or colors yet?"

"Vance isn't invited," Nick said through his teeth.

I couldn't help but laugh at the comment Nick made, "we haven't figured too much out yet, because a lot happened last night. I know that obviously you guys..."

"Except Vance," Nick interrupted.

I shook my head and laughed again, "right, well I know that you guys except for Vance will be involved in some way. While we are here though, I call dibs on McGee being a bridesmaid because I have known him longer and he loves me more."

"We'll see about that," Nick laughed, hiding his face in my neck.

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