1.4 First party

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Fanart - CodiiChronicles on Twitter

T.W - swearing, alcohol, LIGHT smut (kissing/making out)




They arrived at Punzes house. It was modern, the windows were big and there was lots of them so there wasn't much privacy..

In the front lawn there were teens passed out on the ground already, and cans of mikes hard everywhere

"This looks promising" Clay said sarcastically

George was excited as hell. All this boy wanted to do was drink and party 

They were both welcomed in by Punz himself, he was wearing some black jeans, a grey hoodie, and multiple chains around his neck and wrists.

"Hey man" Punz reached in and bro hugged Clay, just leaving George stand there awkwardly 🧍🏻

Very straight

"Hey dude, It's been a while!" Clay answered in the most straight way he could

The only people that knew Clay was gay was Sapnap, Alex, and his sister who never told their mom (cause drista is a real one 😎) he planned on telling George soon, but he had to find the right time

"You two know each other?" George spoke up

"Yeah, this fucker is the best in our football team" Punz said proudly

Clay chuckled and rolled his eyes

"You must be his.. boyfriend?"

"What?! No.. no we're just friends" George answered, with sound of panic in his voice

Clay tried to hide his smile but Punz saw him blushing

"Yea... give it a week, you'll be fucking In no time"

"PUNZ??!" Clay laughed and pushed him gently

They walked over to where the drinks were at and George immediately poured himself a shot

"Want one?" He offered to Clay who is leaning on the wall beside him

"I'm not getting drunk, I need to take care of you children"

"Oh cmon, just one shot" George moved the glass towards him

"Ah fuck it" Clay picked it up "cheers"

They both took the shot and coughed afterwards

George saw Niki who was on her phone where everyone was dancing, he wanted to be with Clay but didn't wanna leave her alone

"Clay I gotta go, Niki looks lonely"

"Okay have fun, don't get too drunk" Clay said smirking

George ran over to her and Clay went to see his football buddies, including Sapnap, Alex, Punz, Callahan, etc.

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