2.1 band

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Fanart - b0ats on Twitter

T.W - swearing,

Guys I'm reading "troublemaker" wish me luck

Same as every morning, George woke up in Clays arms after what I guess you could say a 'rough' night if you know what I mean 😏

Today George was hanging out with Niki since they haven't really caught up yet

So after they both got dressed and had brunch, George went downstairs and got picked up by Niki with her fancy ass Range Rover

"How the fuck do you have such a nice car"

Niki just shrugged with a smile

"Ok.. not creepy at all" George said as he hopped in

"So what do you wanna do today, Georgie" Niki said playfully

George cringed at the nickname, since the only times he heard it was when Clay was.. inside of him

"Don't call my that" he laughed

"Fine, answer my question though" Niki said

"I don't care, you tell me"

"Ok so I thought maybe I could introduce you to one of my friends" Niki smiled

"I don't wanna third wheel"

"You won't, there's gonna be multiple people there"

"Where?" George looked out the window, not recognizing where he was

"Here" Niki stopped the car in-front of a nice house with a big garage door

"Ok.. I'll trust that your not kidnapping me right now, what's your friends name" George questioned

Niki laughed "Wilbur"


"Yea.. I kinda forgot to tell you that" Niki rubbed the back of her neck

"I told him that you could audition for his band! I said you had a beautiful singing voice" Niki smiled

"Band?... Wilbur is in a band? With who" George's asked confused

"Yeah! Just with a couple of his friends and you didn't know?" Niki responded

"Well no.. he's a football player. May I add one of the BEST ones on the other team other than Techno"

"So? He's still an amazing musician" Niki said proud

They got out of the car and began to walk up to the garage before George stopped Niki by grabbing her shoulder

"What's wrong George?" Niki said grabbing into him, thinking something was wrong

"Can I bring him.." George mumbled

"Can you bring wh-" Niki gasps "awwww you want Clayyy don't you"

"Ok don't be weird" He laughed

"I'm not I'm not, that's just cute"

"Ok well, can I?"

"I'm sure you can but don't tell him it's Wilbur.. he might get competitive or something" Niki said worried

"Your right, I won't" George took his phone out of his pocket and proceeded to go to Clays contact and call him

"Hey Clay" George said softly making niki smile

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