2.2 Date

926 18 47

T.W - swearing, nsfw, SMUT

This book is loosing attention cause I took so long to update lmao oops


Clay woke up to the very annoying fucking default iPhone alarm, rolling his eyes at the sound

Unlike most mornings, George was rolled the other way in Clays bed. That let him get to the bathroom without bothering George

Clay stripped down his clothes and hopped into the steamy shower

While in the shower Clay reached to his shampoo but couldn't find it

God dammit

"WE NEED TO GO TO THE STORE TOMORROW" Clay yelled, trying to get the attention of Karl (the most mature in the apartment)

He got no response and proceeded to use Alex's shampoo, ignoring the fact that he'll get pissed

George slowly woke up once he heard Clay yell from the shower

He sighed and rolled over to Clays side of the bed to see his phone

The time read "7:14 am"

"For fucks sake" he mumbled

Today was the only day he could sleep in because of it being the weekend

He got up quickly causing him to get uncontrollably dizzy and honestly black our for a second

Same George.. same

He stumbled into the kitchen and opened the fridge while yawning

He looked around the empty fridge scavenging for something to eat

He saw pre-made overnight oats that Niki made everyone before leaving last night and decided to grab it

When he closed the fridge door, he saw Clay standing behind it

George jumped "HOLY SHIT" he hovered his hand above his heart

Clay just laughed, standing there with a white towel wrapped around his hips revealing his abs and v-line. His wet and messy hair dripping as he leaned onto the fridge making his towel slide down just a little bit

"What are you staring at, Georgie?" Clay asked with a smile

"What—" George said still staring "—OH uh nothing" he said embarrassed

"Hm" Clay said. He grabbed George's chin with his fingers and brought his face close to his own

"I'm sure it was nothing" Clay said grinning

"Maybe not" George smiled before running his hands down Clays chest

Clay couldn't help it but pick George up and sit him onto the kitchen counter. George pulled him close and kissed him gently. Still kissing, George put his legs around Clay, allowing him to pick George up. Clay brought them both to his room and started to get on top of George as the kissing started to get more rough. Clay began tightly grabbing onto George's inner thigh. George smiled while kissing him and moved clays hand closer to his dick

Roommates ~ DNF जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें