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Holy cow!!!!! I have 1.3K reads!!!!! OMFG! I just really want to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FOR THIS. Now, considering all that, this chapter is not very great, but I only have two exams left( the most difficult ones at that), but I swear I'll update more and better after that. Just three more days.
Also, I really want to thank @diannalawrence for her comments and @Linstead12 for her message. This chapter is dedicated to them.
Third thing, the background of this one- shot. Castle is in his P.I office( sorry for those who haven't reached there yet) and Kate is at home, it's her day off. So this is a text conversation between them. Enjoy!! And thanks again to all of you!
P.s- the italics are castle's messages and the normal ones are Kate's.
Hey Beckett! Where r u? - C

Just came home-K

So, how about we meet up at my office for some... Work?

Ooh, work is nice! I like working you. Just let me finish blowing Blaire.

WHAT?! Katherine Houghton Beckett!!! WHO THE F*** IS BLAIRE??? Omg! AND WHY ARE YOU BLOWING HIM? Am I not enough for you? His face is going to meet my fist pretty soon if you don't answer me.

*five minutes later, Kate comes back, to see 10 messages from Castle*

Jeez Castle, take a pill will you? Stupid auto correct. I said, let me finish blowing my hair. Sorry.
Anyways, I'm leaving now, so I should be there in about 20 minutes, then we may start on this very important work *winks*.

Ohk. Oh my god. Auto correct is shit. Anyways, come soon. And another thing- I love you.

I love you too. See ya soon.

Sorry for the shortness and crappyness.
Don't forget to vote, and PLEASE, please give me some ideas cuz I'm sorta out of them.
Thank you all for reading!
Luv ya, bye!

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