Heat Rush

754 22 1

I'm not even going to say anything. Nothing can justify my absence. You guys have full rights to kill me dead already.
Run. Dodge. Swerve. Duck.

Those were the only thoughts Kate let into her mind as she shot through the raging fight all around her. Mindless suicide bombers vs. NYPD.

Briefly, se caught a glimpse of detectives Ryan and Esposito, fighting the band of bombers together like the well acquainted partners that they were. Their familiarity brought back those memories she had worked so hard to contain, and her vision blurred as a strangled sob escaped her. Her mind filled with the events of the past few minutes, of Castle's determined face as as he went out in the open to protect her, of that- bastard's- face as he opened fire. The anger she felt when she thought of him was welcome- it was easier to feel than the pain of loss.

She hated her job- she couldn't even stop to help her fiancé- other people were always more inportant. They come first. Those insolent people who don't even know about the countless people who sacrifice their lives to save others'.

Kate shook her head, using the brief adrenaline rush provided by anger to increase her speed, ignoring her screaming muscles. Abruptly, the passageway ended in a sharp right turn. Upon close inspection, Kate noticed a light blue trigger sheen covering the entryway. On the wall, inscribed on a panel, were the words-
" Bomb launch triggered. Time
to detonation-"

The system was a trap; the bomb was triggered the moment someone passed through the sheen. Apparently, someone had already done that- someone with a death wish.

Kate cursed and then rushed through the sheen. She now had three and a half minutes to disable the bomb and come out. Simply marvellous.

The tunnel she rushed through ended in an awning cavern. It was like a prison- Grey concrete walls, with a sense of lingering depression. The wall on the farther side of Kate had two doorways, one being open to reveal another tunnel going onto the darkness.

However, all this was overshadowed by the mound in the middle of the room- a ticking bomb, sitting in the middle of boxes of dynamite.

Kate made to go to it, but was brutally tackled to the ground by a man- the same one who had attacked Castle. Kate fought him off with a hoarse war- cry, delivering a blow that broke his nose with a satisfying crunch.

The man didn't even seem to notice that, he continued to pin her down, un- arming her kicking er stupid guns and knives aside. " if the greater good requires for me to be sacrificed, then so be it. But enemies of the greater good must be eliminated. Rest in peace, American" said the man, pulling out an ornate dagger, plunging it down-
- but Kate rolled out from under him, dodging it by millimetres.

Suddenly, a sharp stucco voice announced- " time left to detonation- 30 seconds".

Both the goon and Kate looked up, Kate's eyes filling with dread and the goon's with glee. Kate started fighting him with a newfound fervour.

25 seconds to detonation

Kate dodged the next blow, and realised with a growing sense of desperation that it was too late- she couldn't disable the bomb- she needed to think if some other way to save New York.

15 seconds to detonation.

The man laughed, an evil laugh. "What will you do now, princess?" Kate suppressed a retort and struggled furtively. Just then, she saw a fire alarm trigger on the wall on the opposite side, and a sudden flash of inspiration caused her to kick the man above her in his crotch- hard- and bolt for the lever.

10 seconds to detonation.

With the last of her energy, she ran to the lever, ignoring the pained cries of the man behind her.

5 seconds to detonation.

She reached the switch and pulled it-

4 seconds to detonation.

Only to realise that it was jammed.

3 seconds to detonation.

She pulled with increasing desperation-

2 seconds to detonation.

And felt it start to loosen-

1 second to detonation.

It finally gave way just as-


Okay, now that that's done. Should I make another part for this? Two alternative endings.
Also, you people, should I end this one shot collection at fifteen or keep going? Please tell me, it will help a lot.
Please comment and vote!
Thank you for reading!
Love you!

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