Under cover part-2

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Here it is, finally! Two updates in one day, that's AWESOME! This one is dedicated to chelypdj. enjoy!
Kate came to with the sensation that she was being watched. But there was something weirdly familiar with that gaze. Warily, but slowly,she opened her eyes expecting to meet those of Vicky, but was greeted with the careworn eyes of Castle. suddenly, uncontrollable anger overcame her, and she started punching every available surface on Castle's body.
" Ow... Kate... That hurt...Glad to.... know you're... Fine....... stop punching me!" He stuttered, clearly very surprised at this. Finally, when her punches subsided, he pulled her in for a kiss, it to be pushed away by a very angry looking Kate.
" I am not going to kiss you for a whole month from now. Now fill me in on what happened after they knocked me out because of YOUR STUPIDITY! Why are you here anyways, I clearly remember telling you to STAY AT THE PRECINCT! But NO! Listening to me us a CRIMINAL OFFENCE! Look where you're stupidity got us! Now, what do you have to say for yourself, huh?!" Said a very angry and pissed off Kate. Rick sighed, then started explaining.
" look, I get it that you're angry with me, but seriously, what was I supposed to do? When I looked into Vicky's file, and saw the crimes he had commited, I felt really scared for you, and so I came to see how you were doing. I swear, I had NO intention at all to be noticed, just to observe from a distance. But when you threw yourself at that Vicky"- she got a glare at this point-" I crushed my beer can, as those bodyguards noticed me gawking at you. They asked me who I was , and in my befuddled and scared state, I said that I was your boyfriend. Then they knocked me out too, and I woke up with here,you next to me. I'm glad for that. And extremely sorry for my stupidity."
" aww " said Kate. "but you're still not erring any kiss"she added, chuckling slightly at Castle's fallen expression. " C'mon, let's find a way out of this hell hole." she said.

Kate got up, feeling something poke her stomach. With a jolt, she realised that it was her gun and cuffs. But pulling them out, she saw that the cuffs were locked, with the key no where to be seen, and the gun had no bullets in it. But it could still be used for blunt force trauma. Sighing in frustration, se searched the room for any signs if an escape door, finally finding a door at the end of the room. Before she could do anything else, she heard approaching footsteps behind the door, and motioning for Castle to remain quiet she made her way behind the door and positioned herself in an offensive stance. Just as the door opened, she threw herself at the entree,
Knocking him out with the butt of we gun. Then, she turned him over, and saw that he was a guard. Searching his pockets, she removed his revolver and cuffs, and motioned for Castle to follow her. Stealthily, they made their way to the nearest door in the hallway from which they could hear voices coming out. They stopped in front of it, and listened carefully. " I will kill them, just as I killed that useless Jamie. What do they think huh?! They'll just come in, trying to expose me and I'll let them go? Never! I will fuck the girl,in front of her petty boyfriend,then kill them both!" With a jolt Kate realised that he was talking about them. She barged in then, saying" I don't think that is going to happen. Viktor Casanova, you are under arrest for keeping hostages, conspiracy, illegal drug dealing and the murder of Jamie Belloc " Vicky panicked, making to run put of the door, but he was stopped by Castle. " see, I'm not that useless after all!" He said, helping Kate cuff Vicky. Then, Kate bent down to pick up Vicky's phone, on which he had been speaking to someone called Dimitri.
Kate dialled the number for the precinct, feeling glad when she heard the voice of Esposito, and said" hey
Espo! I have a criminal and a hell of a
story for you...."

*later at the precinct*

"And then, he basically confessed to the murder and said some.... Uh.... vulgar things he wanted to do to me.. but now that he's behind bars, how about we go for a drink at the Old Haunt? It HAS been a very long night."
Said Kate, explaining everything to detectives Esposito, Ryan and the rest of the couple's friends. Every one murmured their assent as they started to move towards the elevators. Just as Kate was about to follow them, she was stopped by Castle's arm. "look Kate," he said " I'm so sorry about all that but I just want to tell you that I love you, and I won't let anyone, even Vicky,hurt you. Never. as long as I am alive." Kate giggled and pressed her lips to his in a lingering kiss. " I forgive you." she said " just as long as you promise to listen to me and not be stupid again." " yessir! Your wish is my command. Now can I get another kiss?" He said, pouting cutely. "oh believe me, there will be plenty if that once we reach home." said Kate, pulling a gulping and turned on Castle after her as they entered the elevators with their friends, just before the doors closed.
So, here it is. this took me a lot if time to type. my fingers are officially dead. But I have now completed it, so I hope you enjoyed! Suggestions, votes and comments are welcome!
Thanks again for reading!

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