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You were about to kiss him further but he pulled off the kiss frowning his eyebrows in tension and confusion.
Jeon gguk : Y/n, what are you doing.
I said i am -

Y/n : You still feels the same.... You lips is the same, the temptation is same but why...... You are not the same...why......
[ You falled over his chest listening to his breathing, he slowly layed you down at the bed as your drunken state wiggled over the bed ]

He was about to leave but you quickly grabbed his wrist to stop.

Y/n :  I miss Jungkook, his feelings.
Please let me feel more or i will become numb. I am losing my self. Please let me feel him.
Jeon gguk : Y/n, You are drunk and
i cant -

Y/n : I need him.... I need Jungkook, he is the only one i got. Let me please.
Jeon gguk : Y/n , i am a humanoid robot.
I too have feelings.
Y/n : I don't know anything else now.... But please

You cutoff him by pulling his wrist to falls over you as you slowly presse your lips over him. You kissed him letting your whole emotions it, letting your tears falls. He was making you feel just like Jungkook... In every way. He slowly gaved up and kissed you as it turned the perfect kiss gaving each other emotions.

You slowly parted away for oxygen,
but he suddenly cupped your face and rubbed your tears with his thumb with a pain full smile over his face. He knewed that you actually didn't kissed him.
You were kissing Jungkook in your mind and you were using him just to be.

And you also knew that...........

He was never Jungkook but
                                            Jeon Gguk......

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