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Y/n :  JEON GGUKKKKKK.....where are you.... Gguk... Please.. Come back, don-
don't please..... Come back.

[ You suddenly  receive a call Mr. Jeon (Dad ) ]

Y/n : Appa, Was it always Jeon gguk,
not Jungkook...What is happening.
I am con-
Appa :  Y/n, Did you opened the digital folder on the Jungkook's laptop ?

Y/n :  Huh?.... Yeah i did that's why i get to know that--
Appa : Oh SHIT.... Y/n that folder was locked up from the hackers of The world robot organization but if it get opened the data will transmitted to the organization.

Appa :  They figured out that Jeongguk is still alive and they will try to distroy him.
Y/N :  WHATTTT !!!!!!!!
Appa :  Y/n,  we were actually rebuild Jeon gguk on this 4 years because he was distroyed in the chemical blast and when he was completely processed 3 days ago that's why we brought him to you.

You started trembling and shaking in fear. The situation was getting worse by you.

Y/n : Appa......I am afraid. He is not here...


Y/n : APPA, can you track him like he is a robot so-
Appa : I don't know why but I can't. I am feeling something bad gonna happen.

Y/n : No no no....I can't lose again....Nooo
Appa please do something.
Appa : Y/n, the robot organization can't get him so fast..... maybe he will be somewhere near here. Search for him and tell him to hack down the hackers software.

Y/n : Okay appa.
Appa : Okay daughter.....just.... don't worry. Everything will be alright.
( Hang Up )

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