Chapter 9

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Hey Darlings!! I'm posting chapter 9!!! YAAY! So if you get confused just keep reading on, This chapter is very different from the other chapters, it's all in Liam's POV. So have fun reading this fairytale!


I shall find my princess. She's out there in the Enchanted City! I pull my horse out of the stable.

"Come on, Andy move faster" I said.

Andy stops and waits for me to get on. Then I hop on Andy. Out comes Princess Mallory and Sir Harry.

"please Prince Liam, bring her back to me: Mallory said.

Sir Harry pats my back and then i'm off to the Enchanted City. It's been hours of riding. I get to a hotel. I tie Andy to the pole, throw over a buzz lighter blanket on him. "Goodnight Andy" I said.

I walk into the hotel and the man at the front desk said "Want a room". I shook my head yes. He shows me to my room and I fall on my haystack bed. I put on my blank and quickly drift to sleep.


I walk down to the pole with the front desk man. I turn then I see Andy eating all the man's apples.

"ANDY, come on lets go" I said pulling his strap.

"I'm very sorry, sir" I said, handing the man 4 gold coins.

He smiles and goes back inside. ugh Andy what am I going to do with you? We walk past to the market and into the streets of Great London. Then we come up to a fork in the path. "which way" I asked Andy.

"You must turn left" The meadow spoke!

"who are you? Show yourself" i said pulling my sword out.

"Calm down, pretty boy. it's just old little me Louis" Louis said.

"why should I go left" I asked bringing my sword down.

"Because you're looking for Princess Lilyann" He said feeding Andy an apple.

"So are you going to help me" I asked.

"For a price" He said flipping his hair up.

"name anything"

"To be a prince"

"You want to be a prince, why"

"So I can find love easier and to be the man"

"Umm if that is what you wish, so be it"

"Thank you kind sir"

Louis jumps with glee, we now head left!

"So why are you looking" He asked.

"Because i'm in love with her, she's my princess" I said looking upon the horizon.

"Oh 'love', never been loved" He said looking down.

"It's the most special kind of of feeling, but it is very powerful! It can cause hurt, pain"

"Maybe one day i'll be loved"

After an hour of walking we take a break. i sit on a rock and Louis sits on the cold grass. I take out my sword and quickly stand up.

"Who goes there" I yell. I look around and 2 gentlemen walk out of the black, dense forest. "who are you" I asked, putting my sword to their chests.

"i'm sir Zayn and this is Niall" Zayn said.

"We came to help you" Niall said smiling like a fool.

"umm. yes come join us" I said.

After our break we start walking again, then we finally arrive at the Enchanted City. So many people stare, then this short red hair girl comes up to us. "welcome" She said spinning.

"Thank you, where is the  main Enchanted building" i asked.

"Here, I shall take you there myself" She said. "by the way my name is Darcy".

"I'm Prince Liam, this is Louis, Niall and Sir Zayn" I said pointing to each of us.

"hi" she said.

"Ello Love" Louis said blushing.

She opens the castle gates and there lays a beast, the dragon!

"I've got this" Sir Zayn said.  "Go fine her". Sir Zayn pulls his sword out. scaring the beast but giving him more reason to fight.

We run under the beasts legs.

"Upstairs" Louis said.

"Stay here" I said.

They nod their heads and I run up the broken steps. "LILYANN" I scream.

I hear a loud 'GET OUT'. It wasn't her, it was HIM! I look at the men and Darcy and they yell 'GO'. So I do.

I walk up to the top level. It had tons of cob webs and dust. I look in all the doors, but nothing. I go to the last door, I slowly open the door and there's Lil laying on her back, hands folded perfectly with a purple dress (Like the one in Tangled). I walk over to her and get a good look at her. Her face is pale, her lips are a light shade of purple and her skin is freezing! Damn they turned her into a vampire! Just kidding they aren't real. Darcy, Louis, Niall and Sir Zayn run in and gasps. Their eyes are big and looking aout past her bed. I look up there's... her father! His black eyes stare, his hands tense up. He uses his powerful magic to push Darcy, Niall, Louis, and Zayn against the wall. Darcy let out a high pitched scream and Zayn tried to fight it.

"Let em go!" I yell!

"Don't wake the sleeping beauty" He says pushing his index finger on his lips.

"Liam! Kiss her! True loves first kiss will break the curse!" Niall yells.

Her father looks at me in fear and worry. I slam my lips on hers and kiss her. she lets out a gasps and takes her breaths once more again. She sits up and hugs me tightly.

"I love you" I whisper into her ear.

"NOOOOOOO" The father screams as he smiles. "You past my test, Prince Liam well done" He said clapping.

I suddenly wake up from my deep sleep in the taxi cab.

"Come on man, were here" The taxi driver said clapping his hands in my face.

I run out of the cab and into this big mansion.

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