Chapter 14... The End?

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Louis's POV:

We are all sitting at the hospital because Lily and Harry got in a car accident. We've been here for at least 3 hours now, we are getting tired and hungry at least Darcy and I are. Niall is about to pass out from exhaustion, along with everyone else. But I hope my Pumpkin is alright. We wait and wait.

"I'm hungry!!!" Niall whines.

"I know" Liam said pacing back and fourth.

I wonder who was the crasher? Did Harry do it? Or was it Lily?

Darcy's POV:

"Louis I'm going for a walk outside," I said.

Then he leans in about to kiss me but Zayn pulls my arm.

"If your going for a walk you should go now," Zayn said pushing me out of the waiting room to the elevator. WTFM!

"Have fun on your walk!" He said as the doors slide shut. I let it pass me this time, cause it could be just nerves.

I walk out of the creepy hospital, thank God! I hate this place ever since I was a kid. I stop and put on my light sweater, this summer chill is a little too cold for me. But I'm use to it because England is all rain and grey clouds. I look around and saw a group of beach boys. I smile and walk off. The group moves in front of me.

"Hey, beautiful how's the back of the trunk?" One in the blue shirt said.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your mum," I said.

"We've got a sassy one here and the accent is sexy!" the one next to him said winking.

"Don't forget, I have a boyfriend" I said about to walk back in. Then one of the scumbags grab my wrist.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Away from you!" I shouted.

Then they come closer to me. I try and walk away but I can't get out of the guy's grip, to tight. I pull and pull but he's too strong, i'm not that strong I mean look at me? Then I see someone that looks familiar, he run out looking at the group. He punches one of them really hard in the nose and they stood shocked. He threw a Punch at the guy holding me captive. So..... Liam grabbed my arm and ran away.

"Leeyum thank you" I said running away of course we didn't think to run back to the waiting room. We didn't even run in the hospital. Shizznip. Liam just kept running, my feet are gonna fall off!

"STOP!" I yelled as I fell to my knees. "I think they're gone" I said while gasping.

"Okay" Liam said catching his breath.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was walking out to get some air and then saw you?" He said.

"Oh" I said. I need air! Holy crap, my lungs are saying 'Darc are you crazy!'.

"Come on...Let's go back" Liam said pulling me.

"Where are we?" I said.


Louis's POV:

Where are they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have been gone for an hour!!!! I started pacing. Niall looking at me as he drools, the poor boy hasn't eaten in forever! I'm hungry too!!!

"Lou, calm down!" Zayn said.

"Calm? I am calm" I said biting my finger nails. Then the doctor comes out and the other stands.

"Lilyann and Harry are going to be okay. Just some cuts and busies. But Mr. Styles had marijuana in his system. So i'm going to have to call the police" He said shrugging.

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