Chapter 12, Freed

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The princess peered over the edge into the dark pit. There they were, in a panic trying to save the food from washing down the drain. She saw the two snow leopards, but no one had mentioned the fox or the two beavers that dwelt with them. They must have been a new addition because they were still alive. They seemed relatively calm despite their proximity to predators, and they were helping the two cats scramble for fish and berries. In fact, the beavers seemed more nervous of her than they did the two cats they were imprisoned with. Not quite sure what she was supposed to say to someone before she purchased them, she simply turned and nodded to the raccoon.

"Alright, get the grate off!" He ordered.

A mongoose came forward with a key and two wolves lifted the covering. Two guards brought a rope net to be used as a ladder and three guards came with a special device. It was a circular collar that was separated into three sections, each connected to each other by a chain, and each attached to a long wooden pole.

"So this is how this is going to happen," started the raccoon, "you are going to put your neck into the collar and you are going to climb out slowly. Once you are up here you will surrender your arms and legs to be shackled and your mouth to be muzzled. If you do not comply, you will be killed. Questions? Perfect, let's start with the big one."

The three bears holding the ends of the poles lowered the collar into the pit. Olund, after momentarily considering escape, slowly poked his head through the device. The bears pushed on the poles and the pieces snapped together into a collar. It was tight and an incredibly unnatural feeling. He struggled at first but the bears were much stronger than he was. Resigned, he slowly climbed up the ladder. He was greeted by dozens of crossbows, swords and spears. They first shackled his feet together. His paws, both hands and feet, were put into thick leather bags that were then shackled closed. With his feet secured and his hands shackled behind his back, there was only left his mouth. They gestured for him to lean forward. When he complied, they put a large metal muzzle over top. The muzzle was locked shut at the back of his head just above his neck. The three restrains were all linked together. The final touch was a leash that attached to a tight metal collar that was placed just above the one the bears were holding.

"Alright, look up." Ordered the raccoon.

The snow leopard did, the bears pulled back on the poles and the large collar was released. They pulled it up and over his head. Olund was led away from the pit a little way and his leash was fastened to a tall metal pole. It was Sidon's turn.

The collar was not as tight fitting on him but it was still very uncomfortable. The bears were getting impatient. Most of the prisoners they had to process here were killed after a day and butchered. It was unusual that they would sell live slaves. When Sidon was not climbing quickly, they pulled him away from the ladder and lifted him out of the pit by the collar. The little snow leopard snarled in pain and kicked up at the restraint. A little way off, Olund struggled against his bonds. He would have shouted to his brother but the best he could do with the muzzle was grunt.

After he was out of the hole, the process was the same for Sidon. However, before he was muzzled, he had to ask something.
"What do you want with us?"

"Shut up!" Shouted the raccoon.

The bears pushed down on their poles and Sidon was forced to his knees.

"It-it'll be okay. It's not long now." Whispered the princess. She was quite taken aback at the sudden brutality of the raccoon.

"Promise me, promise me you won't leave them behind." Struggled Sidon as he gestured to the pit.

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