Jack Avery Dislocated Knee (request)

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Hey lemonpops welcome back

This is Janiel

Feel free to request a hurt/sickfic and leave comments for me to respond to.

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The boys ages in this one are back to normal so:




Jack: 19


this one was requested by JamielovesJackAvery


Jonah POV: I got a call from Bam Bam that everything for the next 2 days got cancelled. I tell him oh cool so we have the next 2 days off? Yeah he says. Cool thanks I say and then hang up. I text the group chat to come down stairs

Group Chat:

My Brothers:

Table Breaker: Hey everyone living room in 5

Ocean Eyes: On my way

Noodles: coming

Bean: give me 2 minutes

Zach Attack: ok

Daniel POV: I got a text from Jonah saying to come down stairs. I look and it's in the group chat. I tell Jack we've been told to go downstairs he sighs and says "ok" we get off my bed and make our way downstairs.

Jonah POV: I hear 2 pairs of footsteps and then Jack and Daniel come downstairs "hey lovebirds" i say to them. "Hi Jonah" i hear jack respond their dating, have been for a couple months. I hear Zach come downstairs a few minutes later Corbyn comes down too. "So i just got a call from Bam Bam, everything for the next 2 days has been canceled and so we're off." "yes" i hear from them all. "So I was thinking we could pack a picnic and head to the park to skate,read, or just be outdoors" I told them. They all like this idea. Corbyn and I go into the kitchen and begin making food, Daniel and Jack go upstairs to grab chargers, skateboards, and some blankets. Zach goes up and then comes back down asking if he wants us to grab anything for us, i tell him grab a Harry Potter book and bean says his board, and the picnic basket. He runs up and shortly after everyone comes down we pack the basket and head to the car.

Daniel POV: We get to the park and we all eat. Jack then asks me and Corbyn if we want to go skating we all said sure grab our boards and go. Jonah said he's gonna read and Zach said he's gonna take a nap under the tree we were sitting at. Jack Corbyn and I start skating. We skate for about 30 minutes and Corbyn says he's gonna go get water. Jack and I said we'll meet up with him on the next lap as we've been going in circles around the park.

Jack POV: Corbyn says ok and goes to get water. Daniel and I began doing another lap and were talking. I'm not really looking at where I'm going as we've already skated it 15ish times, I didn't realize that the side of the sidewalk I was skating on there was a lifted part in between 2 slabs. By the time I saw it was too late. Daniel was a little bit behind me but on the side he was on the lift. I hit the bump and flew off my board. I landed on the concrete about 2 feet in front of where I hit the bump. Daniel jumped off his board and ran over to me. I hadn't sat up yet but I knew something was wrong.

Daniel POV: I see Jack fall/fly off his board. I stop immediately and jump off my board. I ran over to him. He's not moving. He's awake I think, he looks like he's drifting in and out of consciousness. I ask him if he's ok. He shakes his head no. i ask him to rate his pain and he says 9.5, i go to grab my phone realizing i don't have it. I ask Jack for his phone. He points to his pocket, he still hasn't moved other than his arms. I grab it and tell siri to call Jonah, he picks up on the second ring.

Jonah POV: I hear my phone ringing. Zach is awake and talking to Corbyn after he comes to get water. I pick it up off the blanket and see its Jack. That's weird I think, why is he calling when they're skating? I pick and it's Daniel not Jack. "Jonah" "yeah Daniel?" "we need you" "what happened" "it's Jack" "Daniel explain" "we were skating and talking and there was a bump he didn't see it until it was to late" "ok..." "he flew off his board and he hasn't moved besides his arms, he said his pains at a 9 now a 10" "where are ya'll" "were about 30 feet from the pond, corbyn should know" "ok we're on our way, in the meantime call 911" "ok" we hang up "Jonah whats wrong?" Corbyn asks. "Do you know where the pond is?" "yeah why?" "Jack's hurt, Daniel said he's near there" ok lets go. We all get up and run to where they are, it's about a 5 minute run but we don't care. I hear sirens in the distance

Jack POV: I hear Daniel on the phone with Jonah. He says it was a 9 and I tell him 10 now. He hangs up and calls what sounds like 911. 4 minutes later the boys have shown up and there's sirens in the distincte. I still haven't moved besides my arms, I'm scared to as it might cause pain. The Ambulance arrives and 2 emt's come over both girls. They ask everyone their names, the boys all say and then they ask for mine. I say Jack Avery. Hi Jack i'm Ocean this is Alexia she goes by Lexie. We're gonna take care of you. What hurts?" "everything" "i can hear someone panicking i look up and see its Daniel, Zach is hugging him, trying to calm him down. Jonah is with Lexie filling stuff out and Corbyn is talking to Ocean while she helps me"did you land on your back?" "no i landed on my right knee and flipped on to my back" "ok can you move your legs?" "I haven't tried cause I'm scared it's gonna hurt" "Jack we need you to try to make sure there's no spinal damage" Ocean says. I do as she says and move my left foot up and down. The right one I could move my upper leg on my right side but couldn't move my knee or below. When I tell them this, Ocean and Lexie look at me and then say "ok we're gonna put you on the stretcher we'll look at your knee more when we get in the ambulance, one person can come" Lexie says Daniel comes forward and i'm glad.

Daniel POV: they load Jack into the EMS and Jonah texts me there in an ambulance on the way to Grey+Sloan Memorial. Jacks wearing jeans and the EMT's need to look at his knee. Jack says for them to just cut the pants as they're old and too small anyways. When they do, I regret looking. Jack's knee is to the side. Dislocation Ocean says to me. Lexie is driving. We get to the hospital and a male doctor greets us. He says his name is Dr.Lincoln, head of Orthopedics. He looks at Jack's knee and says dislocation. They tell me I can come in the room or go to the waiting room. Jack looked at me and I decided to stay. They insert an I.V. to give him pain meds. The boys arrive and go to the waiting room. Dr.Lincoln tells Jack he's gonna pop his knee back in place. He does it and Jack squeezes my hand really hard but I let him. Dr.Lincoln then says Jack has to stay for a few hours but can leave soon.

Jack POV: my knee gets put in a knee brace thing and we chill in the ER for a bit waiting to be discharged. After 3ish hours were discharged. I'm given crutches and we leave.


Hey Lemonpops hope you liked it

2 uploads in 2 days wow

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Word count: 1361

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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