Jonah Marais Sick And Hiding It (request)

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Hey lemonpops welcome back.

Sorry that i have updated in awhile i've been busy with online school and i don't really have any ideas.

No ship in this one

Feel free to request a hurt/sickfic and leave comments for me to respond to.

If i misspelled anything please correct me

This story was requested by @-uncxnditionally


Jonah's POV: I woke up freezing. I roll over and look at the clock on my nightstand 3:27 am. I got up to get a blanket making sure not to wake up Daniel who was sleeping with me. I grab the fluffiest blanket I can find without turning on the lights. I get back in bed but am still cold. I feel like i need to throw up so go to the bathroom downstairs so that i don't wake the boys up. Sure enough I threw up pretty much all my food from yesterday. "I can't be sick. I'm the oldest. I'm not supposed to get sick." I whisper to myself'' I can hide it. I'm ok" .I take some ibuprofen and wet a washcloth with cold water. I take my temperature and its 101.3'' I need to get this down". I go and check on the boys, they're all still asleep. I get in bed and put the washcloth on my forehead and go back to sleep.

Zach's Pov: i wake up when i hear someone walking around. I peek out the door and see its Jonah. I glance at my phone and see it's a little after 3:30am. What is he doing up at this hour i wonder? I follow him to the bathroom where he locks the door and I hear the water running. I guess he's getting water. I go back to bed and fall asleep right away.

Jonah's POV: I wake up the next morning and I see that no one else is up as per usual. I'm almost always the first one up. I go downstairs and start a pot of coffee. I then start making breakfast for the boys. I'm still feeling bad but I need to hide it and I make breakfast every morning so if i didnt they would know something is up. I pour my coffee into a mug and drink it while the potatoes and bacon are cooking. About 5 minutes later I go and check my temperature again. 102.5 it's going up, I need to get it down. I take a fever reducer. A few minutes later I hear footsteps upstairs. I knew the boys would be getting up soon the smell of bacon is filling the house and they always wake up when they smell it. The first one down surprisingly is Zach. he's never first. Jack and Daniel come down shortly after followed by Corbyn. Corbyn serves the boys Oj. I grab the eggs out of the fridge and ask the boys how they want them. They all said scramble, so I crack 5 eggs into a pan and begin cooking them. Corbyn grabs the tostar, bread, and butter and begins making toast. One the food is made I serve it and we all eat quickly. Today was our day off luckily so we all went and did our own thing. Jack and Zach go and play video games, corbyn went and facetimed Christina, Daniel went and started working on a beat for a song, and i went and tried to get my fever down. I quickly googled ways to get a fever down, and it said rest and hydration. I grab a water bottle and take ibuprofen then go lay down. I set an alarm for 1 hour cause i normally don't nap much and when i do it's not for very long. I lay down and immediately fell asleep.

Daniels Pov: im playing around on the beat pad when i notice Jonah not down stairs. That's weird cause he normally hangs out with us on days off. I head upstairs and hear an alarm going off. Then I hear it stop and Jonah walks out of the room. He says "hey dani" and goes into the bathroom. Ok i guess i think and head back downstairs. Jack and Zach are now wrestling and Corbyn and Christina are watching them. I tell them to take it outside before they break anything but they decide to stop. Jonah walks downstairs and grabs an applesauce packet. He never eats those. I think he doesn't like the texture. He sucks it down and lays on the couch.

Jonah's Pov: I wake up to my alarm and turn it off. I feel the need to throw up so I get up and head to the bathroom. I see Daniel in the hallway and not wanting to worry him I tell him hi then go to the bathroom. Sure enough I puked whatever was left in my stomach. I go downstairs and grab an applesauce packet. I hate them but i think it's the only thing my stomach can handle. I suck it down then lay on the couch. The boys want to go to chipotle but I tell them I'm not hungry and tell them to go. They all leave and I go to sleep, knowing they'll eat and get distracted by something and take forever. I head upstairs and go to sleep not bothering to set an alarm.

Daniels Pov: i tell the boys m gonna stay back and work on a beat and they say ok we'll bring you a bowl back. I tell them ok and head upstairs. I go in my room and see Jonah out cold. He never naps like this and he's always down for chipotle. I look over at him and he's shivering. I go look at the thermostat and its at 80 holy cow it's normally at 70-72 why is it so high? I go and grab the thermometer and check Jonah's temperature. 102.8 no wonder, he's been acting weird all day and it's because he's trying to cover up the fact that he's sick. I wake him up and he's still surprised that I'm home still. I asked him why he didn't tell me he was sick. "I'm the oldest, I'm the one supposed to be taking care of y'all, I'm not supposed to get sick" he says "wait how did you know?" he asks "Jo you've been acting weird all day. You don't nap often, you never eat those applesauce packets,your always down for chipotle,and you were shivering when the thermostat is at 80.'' I told him. " i'm sorry i just thought i could get through it on my own" "Jo were your brothers next time your sick tell us and we'll be there to help and take care of you" "ok thanks Dani" "of course now go back to sleep i'm gonna make soup" "ok"

Jonah's Pov: Daniel wakes me up and knows I'm sick. We talk about it for a while and he tells me he's gonna make soup and to go back to sleep for a while and hell come get me when it's done. I go back to sleep and 30 minutes later Dani tells me soup is ready and the boys are back. We all head downstairs and eat. I tell them i'm sick and they all say we're here for you Jo. They help me for the next 2.5 days while I recover. By the end of the week I'm feeling better and the boys and I are back to our goofy things.


Hey lemonpops hope you liked it.

Please leave me a request and i'll write it.

Sorry it's been so long since I updated high school. I have finals next week so i won't be too active.

Word count:1289

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