peacful p2

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As he fed the pigeons with yamaguchi (which the pov is on tsukki) he would look over at him and stare at his smile that he was wearing on his face as he smiled himself but yamaguchi didnt catch it (sadly 😔). Tukishima would then finish his bread after he looked over at yama and he asked

Tsukki: "hey are you done yet?"

Yams: "huh?, oh tsukki! Am not done yet there still a bit more bread"

Tsukki: "then how about we feed it to some fishes on the bridge?"

Yams: "ooo yes! That sounds like a good idea."

Tsukki: "alright then"

Tsukki couldnt help but smile at yamaguchi as he stood up waiting for yamaguchi to stand up aswell.

Yams pov now

Yamaguchi stood up and he followed tsukki to the bridge as he stood beside him and would break a piece of the bread giving half to tsukki. (Or him)

Yams: "here tsukki"

Tsukki: "oh thanks yams"

Yams nodded smiling, as the both would simply start feeding the fish.

Tsukkis pov

He couldnt help but think about yams cute face and smile as he was blushing slightly but since it was cold yamaguchi thought nothing of it and tsukki was glad at that as he sighed for came out and he looked over at yams.

Tsukki: "hey yams.."

Yams: "yeah tsukki?"

Tsukki: "...i.."

Yams: "you what?"

Tsukkis phone dinged as he would reach down and look at the notif as it said "hey tsukki could you home I need help with the grocery please." -mother

Tsukki: "I have to go alright"

Yams: "already?? Could I come??"

Tsukki: "no yams it's a family emergency"

Yams: "but I could help!"

Tsukki: "it's fine it's just grocery, though I'll meet you tonight at this bridge alright? So wait for me"

Tsukki smiled as yamaguchi was happy to see him smile in a while as he nodded happily and he would wave bye as tsukki would turn around and start running home to help his mother.

Yams pov

Yamaguchi would then continue feeding the fish as he would finish finally as he went home and layed on his hed waiting till night came.

tsukki x yamaguchiWhere stories live. Discover now