Chapter 4: Return of Jorah

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Ardin stood by her father, watching the large ship come into the dock, her heart beating slightly faster when her eyes caught sight of the large green flag that hung on the mast. It's been years since she'd last seen the Mormont family and couldn't wait to see what had changed. As Jorah stepped off the ship, her breath caught in her throat. She'd never really thought much about her feelings for him as a young girl, but as she got older, she thought about him more often than she'd like to admit. She was constantly coming up with different versions of the young man he'd grown to be.

Her father greeted his old friends warmly, and the group headed back to Night Hall. Ardin fell behind a bit, trying to remain by the sea just a little longer. Lately, with the watchful eye of the Septa and her Aunt, she felt as if the massive hall were just a mere hut filled with expectations of who she expected to be and what she needed to do. Suddenly Jorah was walking next to her, the rocks under their feet the only sound between them. She'd thought of this moment for years wondering, just what they'd say to each other. A few of those instances were direct daydreams of the stories her Septa told her of beautiful princesses being swept off their feet by knights. Jorah was the first to speak. "It's been quite a while since we've been to Night Hall." Ardin smiled.

"It has, though, to hear our fathers speak it's only been a few days." They both looked ahead to where Jeor was telling Henry some story that involved a lot of hand waving.

"I bet he's telling your father of the boar he killed before we left." Ardin looked back at Jorah.

"You went boar hunting?" He chuckled,

"You sound shocked."

"Only a little, isn't it dangerous?"

"Very, but that's half the fun I suppose." Ardin smiled. They fell back into a comfortable silence.

Ardin came bursting through the kitchen doors, her boots getting soaked as she ran through the massive puddles that dotted the ground. Septa Das followed close behind her. She turned a corner and saw Jorah, who laughed. "What did you do now?" Ardin smiled.

"No time to talk, follow me!" She grabbed his arm, and the two of them continued running until they reached the woods. She led Jorah down a small dirt path every so often she'd glance back to make sure the Septa had stopped following them. Much to her excitement, the path remained empty. The two continued on the path for a way until they came upon a large willow tree. The willow had been there ever since Ardin could remember. Just under its branches was a small pond. Its water was so clear it almost looked empty. Ardin flopped down on the ground, Jorah slowly sitting next to her.

"Alright what did you do?" Ardin tossed a small rock into the pond.

"Oh, it was nothing. No need to worry about it." Jorah considered this for a moment, and he started thinking about all the things that had been 'nothing' since he'd met Ardin. From stealing a few cakes from the kitchen to tying her sister up in the stables. He left the topic for now, feeling it'd be more fun to figure it out once they return to the Hall. He looked from the pond to Ardin. His breath catching slightly. He knew she was beautiful. He figured that out when he was a young boy, but every once in a while he'd find himself surprised by how much he truly felt for her. Leaning back on her elbows, she gave him a funny look. "What are you staring at?" He flushed.

"I wasn't staring." He leaned over and pulled a small leaf from her hair. "I was wondering if that was a leaf or a bug."

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" His eyes widened.

"What, why would you want to know that?" She laughed,

"I don't know, it's just a question."

"Have you, I mean, have you kissed anyone?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I asked you first."

"No, I haven't." They sat in silence for a while then Ardin said,

"I haven't either." Jorah picked at the grass for a bit, then said,

"Do you want to?" Ardin's face grew warm. She looked over at him.

"I don't know. Do you?" He shrugged,

"I suppose if I like someone enough." Ardin sat up thinking, then she said,

"What about me?" Jorah's head shot up and he looked at her.


"Would you kiss me?"

It's been three years since I've written anything for this story. At first the fact that all my chapters are about 700-800 words was VERY scary but before I knew it I'd reached my goal. I hope you guys will like the new stuff. I really had some fun towards the end of this chapter and couldn't help but leave it as a sort of cliff hanger. (Don't worry I won't be three years before you see what happens.) Let me know what you think!(Please don't be to harsh!)

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