Chapter 6: Heartbreak

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       His heart pounded in his chest as he made his way through Nighthall, his eyes scanning every dark alcove and stairway praying to the gods that he could find her before anyone else did. He came around another corner when he heard her shout, "Jorah!" He turned and his heart shattered. Her eyes were red and puffy and it looked as if she'd been crying, "Is...Is it true?"

"Ardin..." There was silence. What could he say? How could he tell her somehow a simple conversation got spun on its head and his life had been turned upside down. There was no way even the simplest person would believe that. In that moment something changed, her back straightened and her face went from broken and sad to hard stone,

"Well congratulations I'm sure you two will be very happy." She turned and walked back down the hallway.

       Ardin forced herself to walk as slow as she could, even though her body screamed at her to turn back and run to him or even run out of the castle and not return. Both options seemed better than this pointless walk she was doing, praying silently that he would say something to make her turn around. When Mira told her of what had happened Ardin was stunned she didn't want to believe a word of it. She never in her life would have dreamed Jorah would've been the type of man to use another woman to make someone jealous. It was even worse that she'd fallen for it! For years he was all she'd thought about, and now she was expected to be joyful and celebratory that her sister was getting married, when all she wanted to do was to just run into the woods and hide. Then suddenly a thought had her slow walk turning into a determined run.

       She flung the wooden door to her bedroom open and started gathering her things. She glanced at her books scattered on her floor and made herself only grab a few as she continued to stuff the bag full. Ardin had heard one of the sailors had decided to sail to Braavos. She pulled a small tattered box out from under her bed and opened it, in the bottom was a small sack of coins, enough to buy her passage aboard the ship and then some. She'd get away from them and get away from everything that was expected of her. She would start over and this time she wouldn't fall in love. Ardin paused in front of her open window as Jorah was walking down the small pathway that led into the woods. Shaking her head and closing the shutters she began to make her plan.

       They were all in the dining hall when screams came from the towers Jorah shot up out of his seat as he saw Ardin's father head toward the shouting, following close behind Jorah's stomach began to feel as if someone had put stones in his soup as they ran through the familiar corridor and up a familiar flight of stairs the room at the end of the hall Ardin's room was pouring smoke. Without thinking he went to run into the engulfed room but her brother grabbed him and pulled him backwards just as he moved to jerk out of her brother's grip a loud creak filled the air as the roof came down crushing everything that was in the room. Cries took place of the sound of wood breaking as guards came too late with buckets of water. Brandon and Henry quickly ushered everyone out of the hall and back down the stairs. Jorah could tell they were saying something but it all felt very far away it was as if he was underwater slowly he felt himself sink to the floor.

       Ardin stood at the edge of the woods, a dark hood pulled over her head, a twinge of guilt going through her as the roof collapsed on her room and loud screams filled the quiet around her. She felt horrible for the fire and faking her death but she knew it was the only way she could escape without them trying to find her. So with one last look at the castle she pulled her sack over her shoulder and headed down the dark road that lined the forest trying not to think of the possible dangers she'd be facing throughout her nightly walk. Maybe one day when she was old and gray she'd come back. Maybe if by some miracle she'd fallen in love she'd come back. Maybe she'd never come back. The only thing she knew at this moment was that she had to get to that ship and leave this place.

       The sun rose on a rainy day as the family and their guests stood by the freshly made grave, the grave and it's marker a cruel joke as there was nothing left to bury. Slowly the family laid dark roses onto the grave and headed back to the castle. One person stayed; he sat on the ground staring at the sky silent tears running down his face. He couldn't find the heart to speak, nor could he find the words to express his guilt and anger. This person was the one who'd broken her heart. Who'd fallen in love with her, but destroyed her. Jorah Mormont wanted to be sitting on the ground next to Ardin in the woods again, their bodies close, their lips almost touching. Jorah Mormont did not want to be sitting next to the cold grave marker with rain pouring down over his head.

       Ardin gripped the railing of the boat as it finally started moving out from the dock. The wind brushing her newly cut hair. Captain Novak had been an old friend of Aridn's and informed her it'd be safer if she'd traveled as a young man instead of a woman. Which she had to agree with after seeing the way the sailors talked to the women on the shore. She slowly moved to the back of the ship and watched as Nighthall shrunk behind her, her home and the life of Ardin Quinn slowly disappearing. 

Wow it's been a while. Sorry about that, I've had writers block on this story for a long time then just the other day an idea popped into my head for this chapter. Hopefully the next one won't take as long to come out as this one did but I'm not making any promises. 

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