Chapter 3: Goodbye

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          Night Hall was filled with activity as the Mormonts started getting ready to sail back to bear island. Ardin watched out her window as their cases where put on the carriage. Much to Ardin's dismay she would not be joining the rest of her family to see them off, for she'd been caught by Septa Das for playing a joke Mira earlier that day by putting mud in her shoes, she was promptly punished by her mother, the punishment was for her to stay in her room for the rest of the day. Which on most days would've been fine for Ardin but as the days passed she realized that maybe she didn't hate the fact that Jorah was a boy and was the same age as Brendon, maybe she didn't hate him at all. Sighing she looked around her room her mother had taken her stash of hidden ropes that she used to escape so that was out. Her desk was filled with a stack of papers that Septa Das had written explaining the points to all the sewing lessons she'd missed, those would make for nice kindling if the fire went low. Then it it her she had plenty of sheets and blankets on her bed. Moments later she found herself climbing down the side of the castle as her feet hit the ground she spun and ran to where her family had just started walking as she caught up she nearly ran over her sister, "What are you doing here you're not supposed to be out of your room." Henry said,

"Well Ardin I'm glad you are feeling well enough to join us." Her mother's head whipped around her eyes going from Ardin to the rope made of Ardin's blankets that hung from her window fury filled her eyes but she only turned and kept walking. Ardin winced slightly she would surely hear about her disobedience when they got back. Brendon fell back enough to where he was walking beside his sister followed by Jorah both boys asking her questions about climbing down the outside of Night Hall from the fourth story Mira spoke from her other side,

"I bet you were closing your eyes the entire time and I bet you didn't even climb down you probably only threw that outside to make it seem like you did." Ardin said,

"I'll show you my boot print on the side of the wall when we get back." The boys laughed earning them a harsh look from the children's mother.

They wished the Mormonts a safe journey as they disappeared onto the ship, Henry and his Captain of the Guard having to keep a close eye on Brendon as Ardin as they tried to sneak onto the boat much to the laughter of the others, the ship was then cast off and as it disappeared the family turned and made their way back up to Night Hall. On their walk Ardin's mother walking close to her sister no doubt thinking of all the ways to punish Ardin, she could see the large frilly dress her Aunt would not doubt try and stuff her in just for the sheer enjoyment of seeing her squirm. A smirk made its way onto her face as she looked to her brother, "RACE YA!" The two bolted flinging grass and mud as they ran Henry laughed Fiona scoffed,

"Honestly she acts as if everything has to be a game." Her father said,

"She is eleven Fiona she's having fun. Wait I forgot you were born as an old maid." He walked ahead of the rest of the crowd. Ardin hit the wall seconds before her brother,

"I win!" Brendon laughed,

"You cheated, you tripped me!" He motioned to his mud soaked clothes as they walked beneath Ardin's window she pointed to the small muddy boot prints that came down the wall. Their father laughed behind them,

"So you really did climb down the wall you little terror. You'd best get back to your room before your mother gets here, and use the door this time." She hurriedly ran inside Henry turned to watch as his wife made her way up the path, "Brendon don't even think about it." He stepped back over to the rope and pulled the boy down, "We don't need you getting into trouble as well go get cleaned up."

Her mother came into the room, her face red with anger, "How dare you disobey me and leave this room, I have half a mind to replace your lock to the outside of the door and have your windows sealed shut." Ardin looked at the ground,

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see them go."

"You should've thought about that before you so rudely embarrassed your sister. If you keep behaving like this Ardin you will find yourself growing as an old woman alone, now go to bed."

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