Chapter 8: New Life

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Before she could raise the knife a rough hand jerked her arm down and pulled the knife free, "My,my you are a spirited woman aren't you." The distinct click of iron shackles and the cold feel of the metal around her wrists filled Ardin with a fear she hadn't felt in a long time. Where was she to be taken? Who was this man? What did he want with her? The Tavern owner waved his guard away and Ardin was soon being led out of the door by chain.

As time passed Ardin's fight left her. For the first two years of her service to Rinalin, an apparent spice trader from the east, Ardin had spent every waking hour trying to escape. Which meant that most of those years were spent being beaten and led around on the wretched chains that were her only constant companion. By the fourth year she grimmly accepted her place in this hell of a home. In her mind she was two different people Ishgin the calm quiet servant girl, and Ardin the still sullen girl who bided her time and was waiting for the right moment to destroy Ridalin and his pathetic friends that flocked to his side as if he were a king.

One day as the sun poured through the house Ardin heard news of an important visitor coming to see Ridalin, someone called Daenerys Targaryen was on her way to try and get Ridalin to give her ships. Ardin didn't put too much thought behind this visit; someone was always coming to make some sort of deal with Ridalin.
It never occurred to Ardin that this meeting would be the moment she'd stopped praying for a year ago. A moment for her to see Jorah Mormont once more.

Jorah followed Daenerys into the massive mansion nervously, he didn't like Ridalin Arthurian, nor did he trust him. Dany noted his nervousness and spoke softly, "He sure seems to spare no expense when it comes to his home. Though it could use some more solid walls." Jorah chuckled,
"If it's one thing the Arthurian family is known for it's their extravagance as well as their pride." Dany turned to him,
"You know them?" He shook his head,
"Only by stories from merchants." A small girl greeted them just as they topped the stairs,
"Ridalin welcomes you to his humble home. Follow me." Without another word they walked with the girl through the home. People with chains around their arms ran around them carrying various objects from room to room. The small girl stopped at a large door it's wood painted gold to match the gold dotted throughout the rest of the hall. She shoved the door and stepped through as it swung open gently. Ridalin Arthurian sat at the end of a large room on a throne like chair his dark hair neatly combed about his head he smiled at his guests,
"Greetings, my friends to my lovely home, Arthurian Hall, come and have a seat with me." Before either of them could make a comment about the lack of chairs Ridalin lifted his hand and clicked his fingers twice and just as Jorah and Dany reached his end of the hall two chairs were behind them. As they sat he snapped his fingers again, a door to his left opened and Jorah tensed Ardin stepped out of the door her eyes on the ground, "Ishgin my dear pour our guests some wine." Without a word the woman moved to a small table that sat just at the edge of the room. What in the Seven hells was Ardin doing here?! He pleaded silently to the gods that this woman only resembled Ardin and that he was imagining things. 'LOOK UP!' He wanted to shout, but she just kept working. Then finally she turned her eyes widened as she saw him. The tray she'd been holding dropped to the floor and the cups shattered. The sound stilled all movement in the hall. Ridalin's kind face turned into one of silent fury. He stood and without a word walked over to the girl and slapped her, hard causing her to fall into the mess of wine and broken clay. Jorah felt a calming hand on his forearm. He'd just started getting up out of his chair without realizing it.

There was a tense moment where Ardin wasn't sure what was about to happen, would Jorah fight Ridalin? Would Ridalin find Jorah's reaction insulting and have them thrown out. Neither of these things came to pass however as the blonde woman whom Ardin assumed must be Danyers spoke calmly, "You're home truly fascinates me Lord Arthurian perhaps you can show me more." Ridalin gave the woman a smile that made Ardin's skin crawl,
"Of course." He held out his arm and waited for Danyers to cross the room and the two of them walked out. Ardin bent down and hurriedly started cleaning up the mess. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jorah move closer to her. With every step he took her pulse raced. Then she felt him take her hands in his,
"Ardin, what are you doing here?" She looked up at him and tried to mask the anxiety she was feeling,
"Well I could ask you the same thing." The corner of his mouth lifted slightly but then he was frowning once again,
"Are did you end up working for Ridalin." The two stood slowly,
"Long story, look you and your...friend need to be careful dealing with him he's not as pleasant as he seems he-"
A familiar cold laugh filled the air causing Ardin's heart to drop,
"Oh and I'd thought I'd been particularly kind to you Ishgin. Though I suppose my kindness can he taken for granted. Now leave us. We have business to discuss." Ardin gave a small bow praying her leg would hold up as she left the room her eyes on the floor as she walked passed Ridalin. Just as the door was closing she heard Ridalin's voice, "So your highness you were saying you'd like to buy my servant?"

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