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" are hereby..." Tubbo looked at me with pained eyes.



The words rang through my head. Tears building up in my eyes. They threatened to fall but I didn't let them. I looked at Tubbo but not with anger, with...




"Dream please escort Tommy out of this country" Tubbo said looking away. I took one last look at my home- no. Old home. And ran. As fast as I could. I heard Dream shouting at me but ignored him. "...-GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE GRE-" as he said that an idea came to me. The server will take you to where ever your thinking of. I ran towards it even faster as Dream caught up. I didn't have any particular place in mind. "Anywhere but here" I thought. I entered the portal blocking out Dream's shouting.



Darkness that's all I saw. It was like my life had flashed between my eyes.




I embraced the warmth as my vision started to turn white.


To be continued :}

AN:Sorry it's short. I don't have much to say but I hope y'all enjoy this book. Thank you for all the support and feel free to put ideas for more books and stuff in the comments.

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