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Hello readers! And well. Goodbye. This isn't goodbye to me, but goodbye to this story. I've tried many times to pick this story up but every-time I stop writing, I just can't seem to return to writing.

As a side project, I have been working on some drabbles and one-shots(that may or may not be posted) to keep me motivated but tbh I put more effort in said one-shots than I ever did in this book.

I will keep this story as it is. Nothing will be touched or changed. Also, I will not be posting the chapters I have written as I feel its not fair for me to post those after I have already stated that i'm abandoning this book.

People may be mad at me for not at least posting those chapters but..its my decision and I feel it isn't fair to ya'll.

On other news, Ash and I started dating :D apparently we're both oblivious fucks who had no idea we had been flirting for the past 2 years.

Also, Ash is no longer going to be my editor. I will be editing everything myself so pls forgive any mistakes I make :'D

Look out for new one-shots in the next couple of days 👀 unless of course you we're followed to me for RFTP. In which case, thanks for sticking around for..2 whole years. Woah that's's been 2 wholes years...

Thank you for all your support, I truly do appreciated all the happiness RFTP did give me. I just refuse to force myself to write this book.

Who knows, maybe one of you will pick up this book and continue this.

If you do..well good luck to you!

Its been a good run o7


Running from the past...(ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now